Friday, May 16, 2008

Cheeseburger in paradise...... paradise

We are going there tonight for my birthday. There is no set time and no set limit on alcohol and food. I plan on getting a little sloppy. If you would like to join.. your all invited!!!


BlondeJustice said...

Happy Berfday lady! I am sorry that I couldn't make it to your bday celebration but I hope you had fun. I had already made a commitment with my dad and step family to see a psychic medium talk at the North Stafford Borders. Believe me I would have rather been sucking down mojitos with you guys. :/

CindyLou said...

Unfortunately, the mojito's at Cheeseburger suck! But it was fun anyway.

Jenn M said...

No.. the mojitos at cheeseburger are fine.. its just that my cousin Nick doesn't understand that making a mojito "strong" doesn't taste so good.. it was like rum city.. YUK.

I had a blast.. some points of the night I don't remember.. such as pictures on my cell phone of shannon m and i. hmm.. it looks as if I took them too. Interesting!!!

:) Thanks guys