Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Women are so Dramatic

The women I work with hate me.


Monday, June 22, 2009

Feeling Good

I've been on my meds now for 2 weeks and I have to say.. I feel really great.

I noticed that not only did my mood improve, but I've noticed a lot of physical problems that have disappeared.

I'm sleeping much better at night. I've gotten rid of my headaches and backaches and neck pains. I have more energy (except for in the mornings.. I'll never have energy in the mornings)

Really though, I was told I wouldn't really even notice the different. Maybe it's all in my head? LOL (literally)!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Drs appointment

I went to the Dr. on Tuesday for my anxiety / stress.

I got my blood taken - which I HATE to do. They tested my thyroid and that came back normal.
The dr put me on Celexa which is an antidepressent. I'm also sick so he put me on Allegra.

I didn't think that the Celexa was supposed to work right away because I was told it could take 2 - 3 weeks and then I still probably wouldn't feel a difference.

I already feel a difference.

I maybe don't so much mentally, but I must have had a lot of physical symptoms associated with stress.

I dont have headaches or pain behind my eyes, my hands aren't sweaty, I sleep at night and I feel incredibly calm and relaxed. Kind of like an "i dont give a shit" attitude.

Is it normal for meds to work that fast?