Monday, October 29, 2007

Fall Depression

I think I have it.


Lazy, fatty, sleepy, exhausted, bored, not interested in doing shit, no sex drive (which is unusual for me) and did I mention hungry and lazy?

What do I do to get out of this slump?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Love Yourself

Don't let anyone put you down. You will always be skinnier and always be fatter. Your hair will always be nicer and always be nappier. You'll never be as tall or as short as you'd like.
For those women who have "it" all.. They only have looks and money, but the real question is;
Does that woman have real friends, such as friends who cry with her, friends who hate her boyfriend because hes just not good enough for her? Friends who make her laugh til beer spews out her nose?

Does this woman know the meaning of home? The story behind the hole in the wall.. or the tiny finger prints on the wall from children playing? The days where air conditioning is too cold but just opening up the windows is too warm?

How about family? Does she remember the smell of homemade pumpkin pie.. or uncle Bob dressing up as Santa Clause? Will she remember helping her mom string up the Christmas lights and almost breaking her leg sleigh riding? How about hot chocolate with the marshmallows?

Does she get Food Lion Brand flowers or cookbooks for her birthday? Does her mom bake her a homemade cake for her birthday? Does her family call her and sing her the song? Does her dad wish her a sweet 16th birthday on her 15th birthday? Better question, was he even there on her birthday?

Best question of all.. does this girl know the feeling of love? Does she have a baby sister who takes time everyday to send an email signed with I miss you and I love you - even though she is in Kuwait? Does she have a dad who acts as master chef and gets thrilled at the thought of a delightful dinner? How about a mother who lives for her children? A mother who would die if anything ever happened to her?

I bet that girl who has everything.. has nothing but a nice smile and a great body.

Next time you want a piece of the chocolate cake.. eat it.. and don't forget to share it with your friends and family.. and laugh about it..

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Nightmare Before Christmas 3-D

Don't go see it. It was barely 3-D and it cost $9.25.

I was expecting stuff to come jumping out at my face (you know, a 3D movie).. it didn't.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Shannon!

Today is my best friend Shannon's birthday. I can't wait to spend it with her and Roxanna :) I love our girls nights out.. and I have always spent Shannons birthdays with her. I love you Shannon.. and Happy Birthday. Can't wait to see you tonight!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Standin In The Kitchen Eatin Pizza

Do you ever get this dazed dreamy feeling and the thought.... How did I get here?

I've had this happen to me a lot in the past year. My life made a dramatic change in November. I had been living with my boyfriend at the time.. and we were fighting.. "but nothing as drastic as he thought".. and one day I came home and was packing my stuff. I wasn't kicked out.. he wanted to move out, but I said no. I couldn't afford the house by myself, plus his brother would live right behind me... ugh, pointless.
So, I packed my stuff, moved back in with my mom. I lived with my parents for about 2 months then moved out into an apartment with my friend Sarah in February. There was a particular night where I was feeling lonely and sad. Sarah was somewhere?? not sure.. but I had cooked a frozen pizza.. frozen, like outside. (it was sooo cold and snowy) and I stood there in my kitchen.. no furniture.. dishes weren't moved in yet.. just me and the pizza and wondered to myself.. how did I get here?
These "occurances" happen I would say once a month.. unless something drastic happens, then it sets one off. I want to say it is almost like a "reality seizure"... you realize that life is changing and your alive. So weird.

I was just wondering if anyone else has these.. "reality seizures"?

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Chocolate Jesus Returns
Oct. 16, 2007, 4:56 PM EST
The Associated Press

NEW YORK -- Chocolate Jesus is resurrected.

"My Sweet Lord," an anatomically correct milk chocolate sculpture of Jesus Christ that infuriated Catholics before its April unveiling was canceled, returns Oct. 27 to a Chelsea art gallery, its creator said Tuesday. This time, artist Cosimo Cavallaro said he expects the public exhibit to proceed without a problem.

"There is nothing offensive about this," Cavallaro said of his controversial confectionary work. "If my intentions were to offend, if I did do something wrong, I wouldn't be doing this. But I didn't do anything wrong."

Cavallaro, who received death threats before the April show was canceled, said the vast majority of his mail was in support of his six-foot piece.

"I got a lot of positive mail from people in the Catholic Church, people studying theology, people in monasteries — all kinds of letters and e-mails of support," he said.

The last show was criticized for its timing and its location. The exhibit, in a gallery visible to passers-by on a Manhattan street, was set to open one day after Palm Sunday and four days before Christians marked the crucifixion of Christ on Good Friday.

The Catholic League, which led the charge against "My Sweet Lord" back then, said the change to the Proposition Gallery and the exhibition's new opening date would keep it from calling for another shutdown of the sculpture's showing.

"We don't approve of the piece at all, but it's not something we're going to protest," said Kiera McCaffrey, the league's director of communications. "This is much less an in-your-face assault on Christians, and it's not happening during Holy Week."

The exhibit, at the Proposition Gallery in Manhattan, will be accompanied by a set of chocolate Catholic icons created by Cavallaro, a group that includes the Virgin Mary and saints Francis, Augustine, Michael, Jude, Anthony and Fermin.

"After the cancellation of the show, it got me to look into the Catholic religion a little deeper," Cavallero said.

"I started thinking about the saints, how they were ostracized for their beliefs and then canonized."

Cavallaro's work features Christ with outstretched arms, as though hanging from an invisible cross. Unlike traditional religious depictions of Christ, Cavallaro's Jesus lacks a loincloth.

The sculpture is actually a new version of "My Sweet Lord," created with 200 pounds of chocolate over three days. The original was stored in a Brooklyn facility where mice nibbled away at its hands, ears, nose and feet, forcing Cavallaro to toss the original and recast the sculpture.

Copyright 2007 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Monday, October 15, 2007

Interracial Dating.. Is it ok?

According to USA Today, in America 6% of marriages are interracial; in 1970, it was less than 1%. A Gallup Poll on interracial dating in June 2005 reported that 95% of 18- to 29-year-olds approve of blacks and whites dating. About 60% of that age group said they have dated someone of a different race.

So, does this make it ok for me to date a black man? I have a friend.. right now, he is only a friend. I've had a little thing for him for a while now.. but nothing has escalated. He was born in Nebraska, played football for JMU and has a degree in Biology. He is a Virologist.. which means he is incredibly smart. His parents are still together, so he isn't a woman hater. He is clean of drugs, doesn't drive drunk, doesn't abuse women, doesn't cuss his mother out and adores his brother. He loves animals and owns 1 that he treats like a son. He is sweet and gentle (although he weighs about 250+ lbs) lol..
He listens to rock music and wears jeans up around his waist. He has to have his sheets tucked in perfect.. " something he said he learned from his father who was in the airforce". He listens to National Public Radio and is very smart.. almost intimidating.

So, my question is.. Is it ok these days to interracially date? My parents aren't so cool with it.. but would they get used to it? If I like this guy, is it ok? I'm fine with it.. so should I just ignore everyone else's opinions and go for it?

I'm confused but I really like him.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

For my friend Roxanna

The Date

So, the date went well. I met him at the movies. I am not cool with a guy picking me up for our first date. He doesn't need to know where I live and he doesn't need that much control yet. He could totally drive me into the wilderness and do whatever with me.. ha
Anyhow, moving on. I met him at the movies at 9:15 .. "movie started at 9:20.. I was late.. oops". He texted me and asked me if I wanted him to get the tickets. I said sure, I'll get our food. So, it worked out to be a pretty even date.
We went to see "Heartbreak Kid". Great movie.. weird sex scenes though, which were awkward for me just because it was my first date with him... So, he and I talked a lot (even during the movie..and I'm not one of those people).. So, I think it turned out well. No hand holding or arm around the shoulder.. but we sat close...... close enough to where our shoulders touched just a little.. and he would lean into my neck and whisper shit talking about the people sitting around us. Like, if you see this movie... it has tons of cussing (dirty dirty cussing from Ben Stiller's Dad) and nudity and just rude rude comedy. There were a couple about the age of 60 in the movie.. and we talked about them all night. Chris would tell me how mad the wife would be for the husband picking that movie.. haha..
So, um.. lets see.. where was I. Um, yeah so we watched the movie and then called it a night. We ended with a nice firm hug and both of us agreeing we should do it again.

So, all in all - date went well.

One thing I'm so confused about these days.. someone please help me with this. Is a man still supposed to pay? I mean, what if you invite him out? I am so nervous when it comes to the paying for the tickets or paying for the dinner.. I don't want to seem like a snob and "expect" to be spoiled.. but, I like to be old fashioned.. so, I usually bring cash and offer to pay my share.. or if he pays for something, I pay for something else.
Any advice .. real advice on how to handle this awkward situation?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Just Talk

I don't have anything of importance to write about today.. so I'm just going to ramble about nothing...

So, I had a gyno appt. this morning. Seemed to go well. I found out I have low blood pressure (I'm assuming that is good) and that I have a beautiful neclace (lol). I had gyno appts. I feel that you should have your appt. your cells should be sent to the lab "right then and there" and you should get your results back immediately. Waiting really sucks! I imagine so many bad things going through my head while I wait those 2 weeks or however long you wait?? My last pap went just fine, so I don't know why I'm freaking.... I just am.

2nd - lets talk about bad drivers. I encountered quite a few of those today. So, I'm driving down Rt. 1 after my appt. on my way to work. Theres a sign that says.... left lane closed ahead, be prepared to stop. At this point, I get in the right lane. (of course, knowing that it is going to be closed up ahead.. I learned to read in 1st grade). Well, do you want to know where all of the traffic comes from? It comes from idiots who drive all the way up to the flashing sign (where you absolutely must get over because the sign that is flashing is blocking the road). Now, my question is ..."hoping that one of my readers is this person". Why in the hell don't you get over when the sign tells you to get over? I mean, do you realize that your causing more traffic by having to cut people off, or wait in the left lane until some really pissed off person in the right lane has to let you over.... My opinion, when the sign says the left lane is closed ahead... get your ass in the right lane immediately!!!

Ok.. last but not least.. I have a date tonight. Yes, a real date. His name is Chris. He is kind of short.. kind of dorky but he is pretty good looking. I met him through my ex boyfriends best friend. (make sense, probably not) anyhow... Chris and I somehow exchanged #'s (I have no idea when, probably a drunk night at the bar).. So, we are going to the movies tonight. I think we are going to see "the heartbreak kid" - ben stiller? I'm hearing from people around me that it is pretty funny.. so I'm excited. I'm excited to go on a date. Usually, I feel nervous.. but I think after the gyno appt. - nothing can make me nervous today. lol.
I'll be sure to update you tomorrow on my date. :) X your fingers and wish me luck!!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

My Pictures Posted

If you look to the right.. you will see I've posted some photos. If you look at the top photo - this is Enrique Iglesias. I've loved him ever since he performed "Hero" during the 911 Telethon. If it weren't for that stupid bitch Anna K... he and I would probably be married. I'm assuming he likes blondes that barely know how to play tennis though.
My next picture represents my life at this very moment. Heartbroken. I've never felt this way before.. but I will tell you, I've never felt so "alive". My feelings are so strong towards everyone and everything..
The last picture, Mark Walberg... he is my other favorite love. I've loved him since the movie "FEAR" which he was so damn sexy.

So, theres a look at just a few of my loves. More to come on future blogs :)

Monday, October 8, 2007


I had the craziest dream last night.

I was with my dad, mom, and sister standing outside of the bowling alley. It was dark, cold and rainy and my car was missing. Guess what.. my ex boyfriend Kevin had taken my van and was out driving drunk. I was calling his cell phone and cussing and screaming for him to get the car back to the bowling alley because we wanted to go home. He was completely ignoring me and was drunk out of his mind driving my car. I was T totally Pissed at this point.
He never came back with the car.. but my alarm went off so I woke up.

I decided to research this dream... this is what I came up with......

Abandonment To dream that you are abandoned, suggests that it is time to leave behind past feelings and characteristics that are hindering your own growth. Let go of your old attitudes. A more direct and literal interpretation of this dream is that you have a fear of being deserted, abandoned, or even betrayed. Do you feel that people are neglecting your feelings??
Dreaming that you are abandoned, may stem from a recent loss or a fear of losing a loved one. The fear of abandonment may manifest itself into your dream and is part of the healing process of dealing with losing a loved one. It may also stem from unresolved feelings or problems from childhood.
To abandon others in your dream, suggests that you are overwhelmed by the problems and decisions in your life.

Rain To dream that you get wet from the rain, signifies that you will soon be cleansed from your troubles and problems. Rain also symbolizes fertility and renewal.
To see and hear rain falling, symbolizes forgiveness and grace.
To dream that you are watching the rain from a window, indicates that spiritual ideas and insights are being brought to you awareness. It may also symbolize fortune and love.
To hear the tapping of the rain on the roof, denotes spiritual ideas and blessings coming to mind. It may also suggests that you will receive much joy from your home life.

Drunk Driving To dream that you are driving drunk, indicates that your life is out of control. Some relationship or somebody is dominating you.

Family To see your own family in your dream, represents security, warmth and love. Consider also the significance of a particular family member or the relationship you have with them.

If you look at all of these - it shows that I'm working to get over my ex.. weird

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Must be 18 or older to read this blog

Let me tell you about one of the most mortifying nights I've ever had in my life.

Picture this... Saturday night, weather is beautiful.. .. I'm with my ex boyfriend.. who I've been crushing on for a while. Steaks are on the grill... wine is poured drank and re poured.. we light a candle.. listen to some music and enjoy dinner.
After dinner.. we continued drinking wine and played a game of "who knows Lost better".. we quizzed each other on the show.. Winner - gets a back run. (my idea.. I was all about getting physical and I figured it would ignite the flame.. if you know what I mean).. so, well.. I lost so I rubbed his back.. then, after finishing.. he rubbed mine as well. (I think he just wanted to touch me)... well, all of the sudden after about 3 glasses of wine and 2 beers, I was well... let's just say .. DRUNK. So, somehow we made it upstairs .. "I have no idea how I got upstairs.. I could have crawled who knows".. so we get upstairs and I'm laying in his bed. I'm like.. finally, I've been going out with this guy for about 3 months now and it has remained on a strictly flirting friends level.. so here I am in his bed. Oh, I forgot to tell you.. I dated this guy about 5 years ago and he was the 2nd guy I ever slept with.. so it was WEIRD. So, we start kissing and talking.. and guess what..
Off to the bathroom I run to puke the entire night. I sobered up just long enough to have some completely meaningless sex .. which, I wasn't planning on having. I waited and waited for something to be special and alcohol went and excuse me Fucked it up. LOL! Well, we did what we did and back to puking I go. I was so humiliated. He burst into the bathroom as I'm there in nothing but underwear puking my guts out.. and he's like.. Oh my Jenn, are you ok? I'm like.. NO and get out!!! So, this guy goes and gets me some bread... not just any bread, an "onion bagel" gross!!! You don't eat onion bagels when your puking.. so, I took one bite of the onion bagel and back to the bathroom I run again.
Well, finally after passing out.. I woke up the next morning and had to look him in the eye. He says to me.. "would you like a glass of wine" .. I moaned and apologized for being such a lush the night before.. but, I guess that is just how it goes. .. how Fucking Embarrassing

Friday, October 5, 2007

I Thanked God Today...

I am not scared to talk about religion. Honestly, I don't know what I believe. I don't know if there is a God, a Jesus, a Bible, etc.. but I do know one thing.... I believe in Fate.

Around April of this year, I fell in love with one of my cousin's friends. His name was Dee and he had the body of a God. I only made out with him one time. Other than that, he was an arrogant jerk. He flirted with me though.. and it made me fall hard. I was a little upset that he and I had exchanged a night of "passion" I guess.. .. I didn't go all the way if that is what your thinking.. Anyhow, back on the subject.. This guy was flirty and hard to get and you know all girls want that. Well, I really liked him but it didn't work out. He got back with his ex - girlfriend.. and that was that.

Dee passed away this Saturday of a motorcycle accident. I went to his funeral today and all I could think about is how God took care of me. I'm so lucky that Dee didn't like me. I watched his girlfriend as she sat there heartbroken and I prayed to God and said.. "Thank You God.. for not giving me everything I ask for".

RIP Dee and keep Dee's family and fiance in your prayers.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The US is 2-faced

I think it is completely wrong for the United States to complain about American's being obese.

I was talking with Roxanna today and I was worried because I had nothing to write about.... that is until I took a lunch trip to 7-11.
First off, let me start by saying.. 7-11 is not a place to find nutritional lunches. I only stopped by for a flavored water and something to cure my sweet tooth. So, I wondered around the 7-11 weighing out my options... and do you realize, I had to go all the way to the back of the store to find fruit, yogurt, cheese, veggies... pretty much anything healthy. I settled with some yogurt (light and fit actually) and a propel - black cherry flavor ... my favorite.
I noticed as I walked from the back of the store to the register that the food options only became more tempting.. yet more fatty. At the register, they offer the choice of brownies (with or without nuts), cookies, candy, fruit snacks, and gum... why do they not have healthier options up front? Do you think if a freezer / fridge section was below the register and it offered berries, fruit, yogurt, veggies, etc.. that people would opt for the healthier choice?
How can America offer McDonalds, Taco Bell, double serving sized meals at Ruby Tuesday's.. Pie's at Shoneys, All you can eat Buffets .. like Country Cookin.. and the stupid candy and cookies and brownies at the front of the store (first thing you see) and expect us to be skinny? It's like putting a chip n dales dancer in front of me.. ALONE and he's flirting with me .. all over me.. and saying.. DON'T TOUCH.. "right" get real.

Yogurt worked just fine for me.. but don't think I didn't want that brownie.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Act of Kindness

So, my sister (baby sister) - 21 years old is in Kuwait. She was deployed about 3.5 months ago. She spent most of the months in Mississippi, but has been in Kuwait for about 2 weeks now.
My sister ordered a bathing suit online - Just a suggestion, if you ever go to Kuwait be sure to take a 1 piece. The rules are strict on no string bikinis LOL.
So, my sister ordered this 1 piece bathing suit. I guess they wanted to make sure they had her address correct, so they called my mother's house. They actually asked to speak to Lindsay and my mom said.. of course, "sorry, she is in Kuwait". The lady verified the address and the phone number and so forth. She at that point, told my mom to hold on. My mom sat there, listening to the music... and the lady came back on the phone and said.

If this little lady in Kuwait wants a bathing suit... she is getting a bathing suit.

Shipping free of charge for the girl who is protecting us.

I just about cried when my mom told me that... it makes me SO proud of my little sister. .. and it makes me appreciate what she is doing. It also makes me appreciate other people for recognizing how important my sister is to our country :)

I love you Lindsay and I miss you so much.. and I hope you get your little bathing suit little lady !!! LOL :)

Monday, October 1, 2007

What a weekend

Weekend at West Virginia..... where to start.

So, Friday I left work around 3 pm - to make it to Charleston, WV around 9 pm. I got into town and we got ready and went to a bar downtown called "The Sound Factory". My best friend's husband hangs out .. or shall I say is a "groupie" for a band called Freak Tent. (They are ok.. mixture of a punk / heavy metal band). Anyhow, so they have hired a boy by the name of Brett Loudermilk - he is the youngest sword swallower right now. He is the cutest little 18 year old.. and has talent like no other.
This guy literally eats light bulbs and swallows swords. You have questions.. like, how did he figure out he could swallow swords? Are the swords sharp? Etc. Well, the coolest part of the night was the fact that this guy was performing in a quiet little bar with about 15 -30 people. I actually got to talk to him.. oh, and I pulled a sword out of his throat. Literally, went on stage and pulled a sword from his throat. LOL
So, to answer your question.. this guy figured out he could swallow swords by playing around with kitchen utensils. He learned and practiced on spatulas. Also, the blade of the swords are NOT sharp. It is impossible to swallow sharp swords - Like Brett said, "If this was sharp, it would be my last trick". Among swallowing swords, Brett is able to escape from a straight jacket, bend his arms all weird - he is double jointed so it just looks cool. He can walk on swords (and they are actually sharp) and he eats light bulbs. I asked about the light bulbs and what happens after digestion.. you know (in the bathroom). He said he has to take some sort of medicine.. but I totally forgot the name of it. It coats his stomach so that the glass doesn't puncture his belly or butt. :)
Either way.. it was a fantastic performance. I tried to talk him into coming to VA.. he kind of smiled and walked away.. cute little fella.

The rest of my weekend was ok. My cousin was married on Saturday. Have you ever been to a poor white trash wedding? NO?? I suggest you should attend. It was actually a very nice ceremony.. they are in love. But.. just one piece of the wedding.... the bridesmaids dresses were from DEB.


RIP Dee - my friend was killed in a motorcycle accident this weekend... I found out Sunday. He was 23 years old.