Monday, October 1, 2007

What a weekend

Weekend at West Virginia..... where to start.

So, Friday I left work around 3 pm - to make it to Charleston, WV around 9 pm. I got into town and we got ready and went to a bar downtown called "The Sound Factory". My best friend's husband hangs out .. or shall I say is a "groupie" for a band called Freak Tent. (They are ok.. mixture of a punk / heavy metal band). Anyhow, so they have hired a boy by the name of Brett Loudermilk - he is the youngest sword swallower right now. He is the cutest little 18 year old.. and has talent like no other.
This guy literally eats light bulbs and swallows swords. You have questions.. like, how did he figure out he could swallow swords? Are the swords sharp? Etc. Well, the coolest part of the night was the fact that this guy was performing in a quiet little bar with about 15 -30 people. I actually got to talk to him.. oh, and I pulled a sword out of his throat. Literally, went on stage and pulled a sword from his throat. LOL
So, to answer your question.. this guy figured out he could swallow swords by playing around with kitchen utensils. He learned and practiced on spatulas. Also, the blade of the swords are NOT sharp. It is impossible to swallow sharp swords - Like Brett said, "If this was sharp, it would be my last trick". Among swallowing swords, Brett is able to escape from a straight jacket, bend his arms all weird - he is double jointed so it just looks cool. He can walk on swords (and they are actually sharp) and he eats light bulbs. I asked about the light bulbs and what happens after digestion.. you know (in the bathroom). He said he has to take some sort of medicine.. but I totally forgot the name of it. It coats his stomach so that the glass doesn't puncture his belly or butt. :)
Either way.. it was a fantastic performance. I tried to talk him into coming to VA.. he kind of smiled and walked away.. cute little fella.

The rest of my weekend was ok. My cousin was married on Saturday. Have you ever been to a poor white trash wedding? NO?? I suggest you should attend. It was actually a very nice ceremony.. they are in love. But.. just one piece of the wedding.... the bridesmaids dresses were from DEB.


RIP Dee - my friend was killed in a motorcycle accident this weekend... I found out Sunday. He was 23 years old.


Roxanna said...

Wow you didn't tell me about that guy???

Jenn M said...

Yeah.. he was pretty cute too. (although, too young for me). All I could think was serious perverted thoughts. LOL :o

Anonymous said...

Um, when you said "sword swallower" i though it some sort of gay euphemism. haha

Jenn M said...

LOL... hahaha.. NO, he really swallowed swords.
Now, what he does on his own time.. that's a different story!!

Brett Loudermilk said...

Haa, thanks for the nice words!

just some FYI, the diet and regimine I go through day to day, does not coat my stomach or butt( haa), I wish it did.

All it does is helps me stay a little bit safer.
