Friday, June 6, 2008

There is Good Left in This World

So I almost cried on the way to work today. I drive Rt. 1 from Fredericksburg to Stafford.. and today the police academy was jogging on the side of the road. I think they were new graduates maybe or something "worth celebrating". So there were 2 cop cars in front and like 3 cop cars in the back of this group... they were all running very proudly. Leading this group was a small boy (looked as if he was the age of 14).. he was carrying the torch. As I took a closer look, I realized this wasn't a young boy at all. This was a mentally disabled young man. Seriously.. the water built up in my eyes. These men and women were so proud of him.. and this was by far one of HIS most proudest moments. I'm proud of him.

It just goes to show that there is goodness left in this world. I wanted to honk, get out of my car and go hug all of them :)

1 comment:

Retainer Girl said...

This is really important to remember, especially after the horror about the hit-and-run in Hartford, CT a few days ago...