Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Way We Were

the way we were

My friend Erin had this on her blog, so I'm playing along. :)

The rules are simple:

1. Everyone leave a comment with a memory of me. Whether you've known me for a really long time or not long at all, you can add whatever you like! Something, anything!

2. If you continue it on your blog, then I'll come over and add a memory of you! And if you don't have blog, I'll tell my memory in the comments.


Roxanna said...

OMG... I have to come up with just one? I guess as a friends one the best things I remember is all of the e-mails you sent me while I was overseas. Even though I was gone for a year we stayed just as close because you took time just about every day to write me and e-mail. You made me feel like I was still apart of your everyday life. It also was really awesome that you and Shannon were there at the airport at 5 am on the day that I came home for leave. You have always been a true friend to me. Thank you!

girlysmack said...

I love picturing you in your little Batman costume at Roxanna and Tim's Halloween party! Too bad you decided not to dress as a nutsack, but the Batman was pretty funny, too...

Retainer Girl said...

I remember the first time I met you: at one of the Biggest Loser meetings. I can't remember exactly what you said, but it was so funny and so honest and I remember liking you instantly. You so clearly present yourself as a strong, sassy, independent person, but you also obviously have a big heart and care a lot about people. It's hard not to like someone like that!

Jenn M said...

I totally should be a nutsack this year!

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite memories of you and I is when we rode around for hours and "stalked", stopped at 7-11 for a pitstop and chipwich!
Good Times!
There are SO many memories that we had together! :) I'm glad that you and I are still best friends through it all!