Tuesday, September 16, 2008

and... Now I've Lost My JOB

Yeah that is right.. I went to work on Friday and there was a "Reduction in Force" which means.. contract came to an end and they had 3 admins and only 2 positions and based on my only being there 9 months I was out. Just like that.. done. I did get some pay to last me until about Oct. 7th. So for now I'm jub hunting like Steve Irwin.
I was really upset on Friday.. and at moments I'm still REALLY REALLY pissed off. Mostly I just feel so alone on this stupid fucking journey that I "must" go on.. as my mother says. Even if my friends are there or not.. I feel alone and it sucks.
They say when God gives you lemons, make lemonade.. well I wish God would even hand me a lemon. I get a direction in which the tree is in.. thats about it.
For once in my life.. can something just be stable and steady. That is all I've ever asked for.. Stable and Steady.
So.. hopefully this will turn out positive. I'm going to keep an open mind and a closed wallet (hahaha) through this stupid month and just hope that maybe I will find something better.


Lisa said...

I am sorry to hear that. I know you really enjoyed your job. I am thinking about you and hoping that your job search is small with big rewards.

Retainer Girl said...

I'm so sorry, Jen. I hope you find something amazing soon.