Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I Fucked it UP

I went to my interview on Friday... Completely lost my mind and turned into a complete airhead! I was completely fine until the woman made me sit directly beside her. I was really uncomfortable.. what happened to the old fashioned sit across from someone and make eye contact? So I started sweating and freaking out and the phrase.............. AND STUFF............. came right on out. At least it was a practice interview.

I have an interview with the Pentagon. Actually it is with a company called Facility Technology Services, but located at the Pentagon. I'm actually really excited about this one... it pays REALLY well considering I never finsihed college. So, I really hope I don't F this one up!

1 comment:

Retainer Girl said...

That's not that bad! Don't worry; people know interviewees are going to be nervous. I was a spazz in both interviews, but I got my current job! Good luck to you!