Thursday, April 24, 2008

I stole it from FURY!!!!

1. Your middle name? Michelle.. French for Michael my dad's middle name. Are we french? Nope

2. Your favorite color? Green

3. Your birth month? May

4. Do you think everyone should act their age? No because then I would have to start acting responsible.. I don't know if I'm ready!!! :)

5. Would you rather live in a mansion or cottage? A cottage.. who the fuck wants to clean a mansion. Plus, it is hard enough to get the air just right in my tiny ass apartment..

6. Is your home perfectly spotless or lived in? my bedroom is alright.. my closet.. Well...

7. Do you love your life? Sometimes

8. Do you want kids? Yes

9. Are you in a relationship? yes I think.. ?? weird I know

10. Do you have a soul mate? Yes my best friend Terri. I love my other bffs too.. but Terri and I have been best friends since 1st grade. I moved 6 hours away when i was 15 and we are still bffs. We can sit in a room in silence and have a good day.

11. City life or country life? country

12. Sports or theater? theater.. but I don't DO either

13. Books or movies? movies.. I can't get into books

14. Poetry or Music? Music

15. Dinners out or at home? I like dinners at home. I love to have buffet style dinners hosted by yours truly.. like potato bars, salad bars, taco bars, etc. It's fun

16. Romantic is a walk in the woods or on the beach? walking isn't romantic when your 5'1.. its more like a hike on trying to keep up. Romantic is when your laying in bed after a few drinks and hes kissing you on the cheek goodnight.. thats romantic to me

17. Home in the Mountains or on the Beach? Neither.. home is in the suburbs. That way you can visit the mountain or the beach when you need to get away

18. Mornings or nights? Nights

19. Is the glass half full or half empty? It's half full... or in my case finished. ha

20. Coffee or tea? Tea

21. Beer or Soda? Soda (diet though)

22. An energy drink or juice? energy drink

23. Are you the Driver or passenger? Driver

24. Are you the Leader or follower? Leader

25. Are you pessimistic or optimistic? optimistic

26. Save the Whales or Save the Rainforest? Save those damn animals on the SPCA commercials.. Save BETTY.. that dog

27. If given the option, would you give money or food? depends on the conveinance

28. Would you give someone a second chance? A friend maybe.. a boyfriend no. If he disrespects you once... he will probably do it again (thats just in my experiences)

29. What’s the hardest thing for you to give? control. I like to have it

30. Why?
Because I have a really hard time trusting people to make the right decisions.. I feel that I should make my own decision because i'm the one in charge of where my life goes

31. Honesty even if it hurts or a white lie to make them feel better? Honesty.. go ahead and get it out of the way so you can move on.

32. What’s the one thing that really sets you off? selfishness

33. Tough love or forgiveness? tough love

34. One for all or All for one? I don't know

35. What’s your top regret? Not opening my eyes and seeing what was going on all along. This goes for more than just my breakup.. this goes with life in general

36. What’s the one thing you would change about your life? I'd have a college education. That is really the only thing I feel I'm missing right now

37. What’s the one thing you would like people to know about yourself? I'm the most caring compassionate person you'll ever meet.. but I have a tough exterior that sometimes makes me seem like a jerk.

38. What’s one thing you would change about yourself? I'd have better eye sight and would have gotten my wisdom teeth out a long time ago (I'm scared)

39. What do you think of the phrase "Good Intentions"? You fucked up.. LOL

40. Do you believe in love? Yes

41. Can love die? yes

42. Is love blind? yes.. when your in love you think that person can do no wrong.. when really they are doing wrong right in your bed in your house together!!!

43. Whats the one thing you could never forgive? Cheater.. once you cheat your relationship will never be the same..

44. Do you believe in second chances? no


Retainer Girl said...

You crack me up. I think my favorite answer of yours is #16.


Dark Fury said...

RE: Walking

You are so f'ing right!