Monday, April 21, 2008

I'm posting 2 times in one day

I got tagged YO!!! ha. Katherine tagged me.. so here goes

6 unspectacular quirks

1. I can't sleep with my blankets tucked in. My feet must be hanging out of the blanket at all hours of the night. I'll smother if not.

2. I always use 2 packets of splenda in my herbal tea. Not 1, not 3. 2 and only 2.

3. I can't walk straight. Honestly.. if I'm walking beside you and your on my left.. I'm going to start walking towards the left. If your on my right.. I'm going to start walking to the right. My boyfriend hates it. HA!

4. I open sodas .. drink 1/2 and then let them sit.

5. I drive the speed limit. It's annoying to everyone that has ever been in my car. I refuse to speed. I'm way too paranoid.

6. I can never keep a clean car. I'm the messiest most disgusting junk collector you've ever met.


Retainer Girl said...

Your #1 is funny to me b/c I cannot stand to have any part of me hanging out of the blankets. It's a leftover fear from my childhood about creepy things underneath my bed.

CindyLou said...

Cheater, I consider those quirks to be pretty spectacular.

Retainer Girl said...

I forgot to say Olivia cannot walk straight either. As a result, my hetero life mate is always trying to hold my hand.

BlondeJustice said...

Suck it Retainer Girl!

Anonymous said...

Your cars are the nastiest things on earth... I have a few words for you... birth control and Brie cheese.

Enough said.


Jenn M said...

haha.. Olivia.. I bet we could walk harmoniously.. did I spell that right?

Roxanna left the Brie in my car... who gets Brie cheese and crackers on a road trip. Learn to eat a hot dog sucker!!!

Dark Fury said...

RE: 1, 3 & 6

Me too! It must be a Taurus thing.