Thursday, April 3, 2008

Good Things Happen to Nice People....

Or do they? Fair warning, this blog entry is only intended to help me free some fire from my soul. The hatred I have for my roommate .. or should I say ex-roommate is intensly growing.. and I'm afraid of losing my mind.

First, let me start by saying... I don't know anyone who has met the girl and has actually liked her.. Other than ME. I tend to try and look for the good in people.. and focus only on the positive. For an entire year .. the girl did nothing but complain about no one liking her, complain about my married friends.. saying "marriage is bullshit.. I've been there and its only going to end in divorce".. and talking crap about people who get wrapped up in love. For an entire year.. I faught with my friends and boyfriends and begged them to give her chance after chance because she really was a great girl. I took a bullet for this girl.. if a bullet were hurtful words.

She met a guy in November or December.. not sure of the exact date. I think the guy is fantastic.. I was very happy for her. I extended my open arms to her boyfriend and allowed him to go everywhere with us... since I knew she had fallen for him. One day we got into a fight because I invited her out and she said she "couldn't go" because he was sick.. I knew then she was wrapped up in it (like she used to swear about just 2 months before she met him).. I gave her the truth and said.. the fact of the matter is that your "wrapped up in it".. we faught and went our separate ways for a month or so. Finally after a month.. she texted me to ask about my dog. I assumed she texted me because she had finally gotten over our fight. So, we talked a bit and I apologized a ridiculous amount of times... I thought we were cool. I came home last tuesday and she had "moved out". Without giving me any kind of warning.. she had taken the entire living room .. (which was hers).. but I thought we had been robbed. A simple.. "hey, I'm taking my shit" would had been proper I think... this girl even locked her bedroom door.. as if I were going to steal something from her..

Here is my real question.. this girl is a bitch. Straight up!! She disrespects people and doesn't give a fuck about anything unless it involves her getting something out of it.

So tell me.. I'm a caring .. giving person. I do what i can for my friends and my family and give all I have to give. This girl is actually "engaged". How is that possible? I've been waiting patiently for the right guy to just come prancing into my life.. I've dated and I've been fucked over.. yet, this bitch is now engaged. My parents say "life isn't fair".. but when does anything actually happen FOR ME? Should I start being an asshole to get something good for myself? Should I be selfish and not give a shit about anyone to protect my own feelings?

I'm mad


CindyLou said...

Your roommate is a bitch, and always has been and just because she has a man now doesn't make her any less of a b*tch. You will find the right guy for you soon enough, and for the time being just be glad that you don't have a crappy roommate to deal with anymore.

Roxanna said...

Try to remember we are talking about someone who has already gone through one divorce.... I don't think that is the kind of life you want to live. You are to be happy on your own, something that she wasn't able to do. So it seems to me she will jump into a relationship just to get out of having to take care of your self. When you do find someone you know that you are with the right person not just someone how can take care of you b/c you cannot do it your self.

BlondeJustice said...

Jenn Darling,

Don't waste your time on someone who can only think of themselves. Charma is a bitch and what goes around comes around. That's all I'm sayin.

P.s What a chicken shit for moving her stuff out while you were gone! and not telling you! The cowardliness of some people amazes me.

Retainer Girl said...


You rock. Period. Don't get down on yourself, and don't let this girl affect your self-perception. She's nothing! She's just jealous because you're gorgeous, funny, kind, independent, and responsible. Olivia is right; karma *is* a b*itch. She'll get hers.

Lisa said...

I know I dont talk to you much, or know much about the sitch, but ditto what Roxanna said. Just because shes "engaged" doesnt mean anything. Perhaps she has just blindsided the poor chap, and he doesnt know whats coming. Be glad that you got out of your relationship with her and no longer have to put up with her BS. I think that you are awesome, and I think she was just jealous of your self confidence and ability to not be bitter towards the world. Dont let her get you down. :)

Jenn M said...

Thanks Ladies.. you guys have made me feel a lot better about the situation!!