Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tid Bits

There is not going to be a baby. Dave and I talked.. he's scared of marriage and I'm scared of babies, so we are chillaxing on all that for a while.

But, I know what I do want to talk about. It's about 5:11 pm and I finally have some time to relax. I leave work at 6.

I've been working at the Pentagon for about 7 months. Just today, as I was walking the hallways, I realized that I am now "senior" in the building. I know the ins and outs and do's and DO NOT's of the building.

10 things I notice about the Pentagon...

1. Normally you base lunch on location, not on taste. Mcdonalds just happens to be the closests to my office. If I am in a hurry, that is the only place I can get to within 5 minutes.
2. Don't go to work with diarrhea. Luckily, I haven't learned this from experience. The bathrooms are just way too far away.
3. Also, every woman's bathroom has a nursing station. (it's an entire different room, located within the bathroom. I'm so tempted to go in there, but it would be the time someone has the pumps going.
4. I can look at the women in the Pentagon and tell who is new and who is seasoned, just based on their shoes. High heels for the newbies and flats for the seniors.
5. Being a woman in the Pentagon is like being back in the 50's. Every officer / military personnel that passes gives you the "ma'am" and a smile and hand gesture as you walk by.
6. Number 5 normally happens when your wearing a skirt. "shocker, right"
7. There is constantly a cock fight going on. By cock I mean, Military fight going on. The Navy is better than the Airforce because the Airforce just flies over and doesn't land. You know, those kind of things. Luckily, I was never in the military. I just fight to keep my civlianship (is that a word? if not, I made it up myself).
8. These people work from 7 in the morning to 11 at night, and yet somehow still have kids? I haven't figured that out yet!
9. Everyone runs everywhere. No matter what, there is a bus, metro, train, plane, escalator or something to catch. You see more running than you do walking. Myself included, I have ran to the metro several times. You know better than to miss that last train.
10. DC sucks


Retainer Girl said...

Love this! I'd love to work at the Pentagon someday, so this cracked me. I spent yesterday at Bolling Air Force Base at the Defense Intelligence Agency. It was interesting but not like this. :)

Anonymous said...

Here's a little fun fact: The little eatery in the center of the courtyard at the Pentagon had more nuclear missles aimed at it from the USSR than any other place in the world. I hate the Pentagon and I'm SO glad I never have to go there again. I got lost once for 45 minutes trying to find an office in one of the many basements. Turns out the door to get to that whole level was an unmarked door under a stairwell. Nice....
Oh- and the DIAC at Bolling AFB is actually worse in many ways (just in case you ever have to go there like Retainer Girl). Glad to hear things are going well!
-Jonathan (Erin's husband)

Jenn M said...

OMG.. nice, I'm going to get a missile with a side of fries. Horrible!
and your absolutely right about the offices. My office is actually 5C718A. However, the hallway shows the office number as 5C789 or something of the sort, then when you open that door, there is a hallway (not an office, but a hallway) and BAM, there is my office, which has nothing to do with the hallway room number. (I still have yet to figure that out).