It's been too long since I've written on this, thats for sure.
I'm reading Julie & Julia by Julie Powell and I'm about halfway. I love the book except I get stuck on some of the French words that I can't much pronounce.
I'm working on trying to accept high heels into my life. I'm 5'1 and I need them. This is no longer a want, it is a need. They hurt but damn they look good!
I gave up on the diet.. months ago! I'd rather be happy and healthy
Still working at the Pentagon - still not loving DC
I've decided to move to Lynchburg. My lease on the townhouse isn't up until June of 2010, so this isn't stone sketched but it's the plan. Dave and I decided together that this is our best option for the next move in our relationship.
Also, I'm saddened deeply because my parents are moving back to West Virginia. I've never been further than a 20 minute drive away from my parents and although, I'm almost 30, I think I'm heartbroken.
Charlie has a birthday coming up. My baby dog will be 2 years old on October 26th.
I feel like a proud parent, if you can feel that way with a dog.
So, here is to October 1st - new month, new journeys, new outlook to life
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
It's been forever, I know
I rarely have time to write on the blog anymore.. I went on a vacation, got sick and now I'm slammed at work.
I'm doing good. I was sick last week with a head cold which sucked!
I finally went on a vacation with Dave. We spent 7 days together. (We are long distance, so we aren't used to seeing a lot of each other). Really, I thought we did great together. A little bit of arguing towards the end of the week, but I was getting sick so I was grumpy. We went to Myrtle Beach and it was fun. The highlight of the trip was when the Hard Rock Cafe caught on fire and evacuated people while we were standing in line to be seated. Literally.. a fire. Smoke was pouring from the inside and people were running out.
The cause was a gigantic thunderstorm with lighting striking like a hurricane. It was cool.. but it wasn't for us, so we left and found a hole in the wall Mexican place that had cheap margaritas (16 oz ) and really good food. It was probably the best night I had with Dave.. it was very romantic casual.
So, Saturday morning I woke up with a sore throat.. suffered through it and played some mini golf and laid in the sun.. kind of a relaxing last day at the beach. Saturday night I slept the worst I've ever slept. Even Dave was annoyed that I tossed and turned so much. Sunday I woke up incredibly fluish and I was sick for a week after that. SUCKS!
I'm better now.
I've been incredibly stressed at work. People leaving (yay) and new people coming in.
I'm still on my anxiety meds and I'm feeling great. I've even lost some weight.. woo hoo
I started weight watchers online again. This time I'm feeling pretty good about it. I'm not really obsessed about it like I was before. I didn't run to the store and only buy salad. I'm being realistic this time.. and so far so good. I've lost 4 lbs. I'm pretty excited. My goal is to get under 140 by Aug 30 (1 month)
We'll see.. my motivation is good.. so I'm hoping for a good outcome.
Lets see.. Charlie is good. Can you believe he is almost 2. He's starting to calm down.. he actually lets me pet him at night! He's so adorable. He likes to eat my hair while I'm sitting on the couch.. I'm not sure exactly what that is about, but I'm thinking its his nurturing. He wants to take care of mama after a long hard day at work. (he also licks my feet).. He's like the husband I never had. LOL!!!
Really though.. things are just chuggin along :)
I'm doing good. I was sick last week with a head cold which sucked!
I finally went on a vacation with Dave. We spent 7 days together. (We are long distance, so we aren't used to seeing a lot of each other). Really, I thought we did great together. A little bit of arguing towards the end of the week, but I was getting sick so I was grumpy. We went to Myrtle Beach and it was fun. The highlight of the trip was when the Hard Rock Cafe caught on fire and evacuated people while we were standing in line to be seated. Literally.. a fire. Smoke was pouring from the inside and people were running out.
The cause was a gigantic thunderstorm with lighting striking like a hurricane. It was cool.. but it wasn't for us, so we left and found a hole in the wall Mexican place that had cheap margaritas (16 oz ) and really good food. It was probably the best night I had with Dave.. it was very romantic casual.
So, Saturday morning I woke up with a sore throat.. suffered through it and played some mini golf and laid in the sun.. kind of a relaxing last day at the beach. Saturday night I slept the worst I've ever slept. Even Dave was annoyed that I tossed and turned so much. Sunday I woke up incredibly fluish and I was sick for a week after that. SUCKS!
I'm better now.
I've been incredibly stressed at work. People leaving (yay) and new people coming in.
I'm still on my anxiety meds and I'm feeling great. I've even lost some weight.. woo hoo
I started weight watchers online again. This time I'm feeling pretty good about it. I'm not really obsessed about it like I was before. I didn't run to the store and only buy salad. I'm being realistic this time.. and so far so good. I've lost 4 lbs. I'm pretty excited. My goal is to get under 140 by Aug 30 (1 month)
We'll see.. my motivation is good.. so I'm hoping for a good outcome.
Lets see.. Charlie is good. Can you believe he is almost 2. He's starting to calm down.. he actually lets me pet him at night! He's so adorable. He likes to eat my hair while I'm sitting on the couch.. I'm not sure exactly what that is about, but I'm thinking its his nurturing. He wants to take care of mama after a long hard day at work. (he also licks my feet).. He's like the husband I never had. LOL!!!
Really though.. things are just chuggin along :)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Virginia Beach.. wow, where to begin
Went to Virginia Beach for the weekend with my sister (who is 23)
I'm just going to run through the highlights of my weekend!
Arrived Friday around 11:30.
Tent was up by 11:50 (shocking, not sure how we did it that quick).
We were out on the beach by 12:30 and laid out until about 3.
Got back and went swimming. Friday was the most beautiful day I've ever seen at the beach. We were actually praying for clouds.. our prayers were never answered.
4:30 we decide to start drinking and grill some burgers.
Note: We bought the coolest grill ever! It is literally a frying pan with legs. It was 6 bucks at walmart and it even included its own little bag of charcoal. So we set it up, grabbed some ice and got to drinking.
6:00 rolls around and somehow we were both tipsy and decide it is time to take a shower. Holy shit, there is only 1 shower. My sister and I both go in and I jump in the shower first. (the floor is nasty and the line is forever long.. it was definitely not cool) but we were drunk so whatever. Well, halfway through the shower, my (drunk sister) decides she is tired of waiting and just hops right on in. I look at her (at her face I was afraid to look down) and say.. WTF are you doing? She said.. look, just turn around and shower.. I'm not waiting.. the line is long so just shut up. So, yeah.. we ended up showering together. The thought going through my mind was this though........... "the entire campsite thinks we are lesbians" LOL. It was interesting and totally weird and I will never do that again. Not with my baby sister.. too weird.
So.. 7:00 we are finally out of the weirdest shower I've ever taken and we are back at the site drinking. We find this really awesome watermelon drink in the cooler (by the way.. the cooler was already stocked with beer from my sister having a party last weekend while I was out of town).. so we find this watermelon drink... it's 20% alcohol content and it was YUMMY! However, it was BAD!
9:30 it is time to go out.. I'm already very drunk and should probably not go to Virginia Beach.. but hell with it.
9:40.. I see the "moon bounce" that our camp has set up and it totally looks like the funnest thing.. I want to jump on it.. so I go running to jump on it and it is kind of deflated.. as I'm walking slowly across this gigantic bouncy thing.. I all of the sudden get this huge burst of bounce and I turn around thinking it is my sister.. but low and behold.. it is about 10 mexican kids rushing me! I'm flying everywhere, I can't get off the bouncing thing and my sister is over on the ground laughing so hard she is crying.
10:00 - that was the longest 20 minutes of my life. I'm not doing that again!
10:30 - we finally make it downtown.. not sure "exactly" what is going on.. but we keep drinking. My sister talked to a cute little guy who kept saying he was running a marathon and that he couldn't drink (his tab was 70 bucks.. I do remember that.. so someone was drinking)!
11:30 - we sneak out because we are tired of listening to dude talk about the marathon. We tell him we are going to the bathroom and we run (literally, we were running out of the bar). We started walking down the boardwalk and realize neither of us can see straight.. so we just started taking pictures. I have so many pictures of us and fake fish .. ? not sure where they came from. There is even 1 picture of my sister and I riding fake turtles. Hmm.. damn Watermelon shit!
12:30 - Man we are hungry.. OMG there is a Roma's open... we have GOT to get some food. We go in.. I can't see the menu but my sister knows what she wants.. we get a gigantic stromboli and bacon cheese fries. As we are waiting on our food.. we get hit on by 2 of the nastiest scariest creepers ever! The one hitting on me told me he liked my shirt.. he definitely wasn't looking at my shirt. He looked like a old fat cracked out carrot top. He is the kind of guy who would give me nightmares. I refused to tell him where we were staying.. so he pitched a fit and he and his friend left. Luckily! Then.. the "owner" or so he proposed.. starting hitting on us also. (I guess we were hot.. dont know).. he kept telling us how he owned all these restaurants and he was only 28 blah blah blah. We got our food and left and definitely did not pay the bill. YES.. we STOLE the food.. on purpose too. We ran screaming.. We are stealing the food.. LOL!!! I say he deserved it for paying more attention to us than our food! WE get home and eat and pass out.
Day 2: Happy 4th
I wake up around 7:30 to some loud ass shit going on in the camp site. Laughing and hammering and cooking.. and I was SOOO hungover. I head on to the bathroom because I'm about to shit my guts out.. (you know, the beer) and OMG there are like 50 people in the bathroom.. OMG what am I going to do.. people are in there brushing teeth, washing faces etc.
I had to go anyways. Let me just say.. I'm not one to fart in public. NEVER!!! I sat down and seriously.. I sounded like an old lady in there. (you know what I'm talking aobut).. I'm not going to get detailed.. but lets just say.. I felt REALLY bad for the people brushing teeth. (I brushed my teeth at my campsite with a bottle of water after that).. it was BAD and so humiliating. I had to do the walk of shame out of the bathroom! :(
Anyhow.. we decided to skip the beach and just hang out at the pool all day. Bad idea.. I guess water washes off sunblock. I got burnt up!
Well, while we were there.. we got hit on (which always makes you feel good) but the guys were 20. They invited us back to the campsite to drink some beer with them, but we decided it was not a good idea.
Shower number 2 - this time we were not drunk so we definitely did not shower together. HOwever, the line was long.. so we decided to shower in the men's bathroom. We paid the price for breaking the rules - the shower was ice cold and the toilet was so nasty I wanted to vomit. I literally took a 30 minute shower! There wasn't any warm water AT ALL! So.. in and out we go.. but I was so burnt that the cold actually felt good.
Time to grill! We get the coals a burning and we decide we want to roast marshmellows.. so my sister goes to the woods to get some sticks. I turn around and she is sprinting as fast as she can with horror on her face. She saw a snake and freaked out.. I guess when she bent down to pick up the stick.. the snake was right there and it started slithering away and she saw it and flipped out. My sister is not scared of anything .. (but snakes obviously).. I laughed until I almost peed.
We decided it was time to start drinking again. The beer did not go down as well this time because I was still hungover. I pushed on though!!! my sister and I drank and sang and took about 50 pictures of each other. LOL. Well, finally its dark.. I gotta pee so I go behind the tent. I'm in a dress.. so I figured it would be easy.
Note: When squatting and peeing in the woods, do not pull the underwear to the side... you must take them completely down - I ended up peeing all over myself .. I sat them outside of the tent because no way was I going to put them on the inside.. YUK.. so I changed and we laughed.. and somehow ended up drunk AGAIN! This time we left early and went downtown though.. We got on the trolly and low and behold.. we see those 20 year olds that hit on us earlier sucking face with these girls. LOL! Nice..
So we go and watch the fireworks. VA beach was the most crowded I've ever seen it.. I mean, seriously 500,000 people or so just crammed on the beach for 15 minutes worth of fireworks. We go .. we get some drinks and we watch the fireworks. We take pictures with this balloon making uncle sam.. he was not happy. (I'll post pictures soon).. but it was funny. We talked to some locals and chilled out but we went home around 12:30. Decided to cook out.. lost some hot dogs around the way and passed out. Woke up the next day and realized my underwear were still outside of the tent and the hot dogs I had lost were inside of the miniature tent. SO hungover I thought I could die!
Sat in traffic for 6 hours. It was not cool.. but the trip was so worth it!!!
I'm just going to run through the highlights of my weekend!
Arrived Friday around 11:30.
Tent was up by 11:50 (shocking, not sure how we did it that quick).
We were out on the beach by 12:30 and laid out until about 3.
Got back and went swimming. Friday was the most beautiful day I've ever seen at the beach. We were actually praying for clouds.. our prayers were never answered.
4:30 we decide to start drinking and grill some burgers.
Note: We bought the coolest grill ever! It is literally a frying pan with legs. It was 6 bucks at walmart and it even included its own little bag of charcoal. So we set it up, grabbed some ice and got to drinking.
6:00 rolls around and somehow we were both tipsy and decide it is time to take a shower. Holy shit, there is only 1 shower. My sister and I both go in and I jump in the shower first. (the floor is nasty and the line is forever long.. it was definitely not cool) but we were drunk so whatever. Well, halfway through the shower, my (drunk sister) decides she is tired of waiting and just hops right on in. I look at her (at her face I was afraid to look down) and say.. WTF are you doing? She said.. look, just turn around and shower.. I'm not waiting.. the line is long so just shut up. So, yeah.. we ended up showering together. The thought going through my mind was this though........... "the entire campsite thinks we are lesbians" LOL. It was interesting and totally weird and I will never do that again. Not with my baby sister.. too weird.
So.. 7:00 we are finally out of the weirdest shower I've ever taken and we are back at the site drinking. We find this really awesome watermelon drink in the cooler (by the way.. the cooler was already stocked with beer from my sister having a party last weekend while I was out of town).. so we find this watermelon drink... it's 20% alcohol content and it was YUMMY! However, it was BAD!
9:30 it is time to go out.. I'm already very drunk and should probably not go to Virginia Beach.. but hell with it.
9:40.. I see the "moon bounce" that our camp has set up and it totally looks like the funnest thing.. I want to jump on it.. so I go running to jump on it and it is kind of deflated.. as I'm walking slowly across this gigantic bouncy thing.. I all of the sudden get this huge burst of bounce and I turn around thinking it is my sister.. but low and behold.. it is about 10 mexican kids rushing me! I'm flying everywhere, I can't get off the bouncing thing and my sister is over on the ground laughing so hard she is crying.
10:00 - that was the longest 20 minutes of my life. I'm not doing that again!
10:30 - we finally make it downtown.. not sure "exactly" what is going on.. but we keep drinking. My sister talked to a cute little guy who kept saying he was running a marathon and that he couldn't drink (his tab was 70 bucks.. I do remember that.. so someone was drinking)!
11:30 - we sneak out because we are tired of listening to dude talk about the marathon. We tell him we are going to the bathroom and we run (literally, we were running out of the bar). We started walking down the boardwalk and realize neither of us can see straight.. so we just started taking pictures. I have so many pictures of us and fake fish .. ? not sure where they came from. There is even 1 picture of my sister and I riding fake turtles. Hmm.. damn Watermelon shit!
12:30 - Man we are hungry.. OMG there is a Roma's open... we have GOT to get some food. We go in.. I can't see the menu but my sister knows what she wants.. we get a gigantic stromboli and bacon cheese fries. As we are waiting on our food.. we get hit on by 2 of the nastiest scariest creepers ever! The one hitting on me told me he liked my shirt.. he definitely wasn't looking at my shirt. He looked like a old fat cracked out carrot top. He is the kind of guy who would give me nightmares. I refused to tell him where we were staying.. so he pitched a fit and he and his friend left. Luckily! Then.. the "owner" or so he proposed.. starting hitting on us also. (I guess we were hot.. dont know).. he kept telling us how he owned all these restaurants and he was only 28 blah blah blah. We got our food and left and definitely did not pay the bill. YES.. we STOLE the food.. on purpose too. We ran screaming.. We are stealing the food.. LOL!!! I say he deserved it for paying more attention to us than our food! WE get home and eat and pass out.
Day 2: Happy 4th
I wake up around 7:30 to some loud ass shit going on in the camp site. Laughing and hammering and cooking.. and I was SOOO hungover. I head on to the bathroom because I'm about to shit my guts out.. (you know, the beer) and OMG there are like 50 people in the bathroom.. OMG what am I going to do.. people are in there brushing teeth, washing faces etc.
I had to go anyways. Let me just say.. I'm not one to fart in public. NEVER!!! I sat down and seriously.. I sounded like an old lady in there. (you know what I'm talking aobut).. I'm not going to get detailed.. but lets just say.. I felt REALLY bad for the people brushing teeth. (I brushed my teeth at my campsite with a bottle of water after that).. it was BAD and so humiliating. I had to do the walk of shame out of the bathroom! :(
Anyhow.. we decided to skip the beach and just hang out at the pool all day. Bad idea.. I guess water washes off sunblock. I got burnt up!
Well, while we were there.. we got hit on (which always makes you feel good) but the guys were 20. They invited us back to the campsite to drink some beer with them, but we decided it was not a good idea.
Shower number 2 - this time we were not drunk so we definitely did not shower together. HOwever, the line was long.. so we decided to shower in the men's bathroom. We paid the price for breaking the rules - the shower was ice cold and the toilet was so nasty I wanted to vomit. I literally took a 30 minute shower! There wasn't any warm water AT ALL! So.. in and out we go.. but I was so burnt that the cold actually felt good.
Time to grill! We get the coals a burning and we decide we want to roast marshmellows.. so my sister goes to the woods to get some sticks. I turn around and she is sprinting as fast as she can with horror on her face. She saw a snake and freaked out.. I guess when she bent down to pick up the stick.. the snake was right there and it started slithering away and she saw it and flipped out. My sister is not scared of anything .. (but snakes obviously).. I laughed until I almost peed.
We decided it was time to start drinking again. The beer did not go down as well this time because I was still hungover. I pushed on though!!! my sister and I drank and sang and took about 50 pictures of each other. LOL. Well, finally its dark.. I gotta pee so I go behind the tent. I'm in a dress.. so I figured it would be easy.
Note: When squatting and peeing in the woods, do not pull the underwear to the side... you must take them completely down - I ended up peeing all over myself .. I sat them outside of the tent because no way was I going to put them on the inside.. YUK.. so I changed and we laughed.. and somehow ended up drunk AGAIN! This time we left early and went downtown though.. We got on the trolly and low and behold.. we see those 20 year olds that hit on us earlier sucking face with these girls. LOL! Nice..
So we go and watch the fireworks. VA beach was the most crowded I've ever seen it.. I mean, seriously 500,000 people or so just crammed on the beach for 15 minutes worth of fireworks. We go .. we get some drinks and we watch the fireworks. We take pictures with this balloon making uncle sam.. he was not happy. (I'll post pictures soon).. but it was funny. We talked to some locals and chilled out but we went home around 12:30. Decided to cook out.. lost some hot dogs around the way and passed out. Woke up the next day and realized my underwear were still outside of the tent and the hot dogs I had lost were inside of the miniature tent. SO hungover I thought I could die!
Sat in traffic for 6 hours. It was not cool.. but the trip was so worth it!!!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Feeling Good
I've been on my meds now for 2 weeks and I have to say.. I feel really great.
I noticed that not only did my mood improve, but I've noticed a lot of physical problems that have disappeared.
I'm sleeping much better at night. I've gotten rid of my headaches and backaches and neck pains. I have more energy (except for in the mornings.. I'll never have energy in the mornings)
Really though, I was told I wouldn't really even notice the different. Maybe it's all in my head? LOL (literally)!!!
I noticed that not only did my mood improve, but I've noticed a lot of physical problems that have disappeared.
I'm sleeping much better at night. I've gotten rid of my headaches and backaches and neck pains. I have more energy (except for in the mornings.. I'll never have energy in the mornings)
Really though, I was told I wouldn't really even notice the different. Maybe it's all in my head? LOL (literally)!!!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Drs appointment
I went to the Dr. on Tuesday for my anxiety / stress.
I got my blood taken - which I HATE to do. They tested my thyroid and that came back normal.
The dr put me on Celexa which is an antidepressent. I'm also sick so he put me on Allegra.
I didn't think that the Celexa was supposed to work right away because I was told it could take 2 - 3 weeks and then I still probably wouldn't feel a difference.
I already feel a difference.
I maybe don't so much mentally, but I must have had a lot of physical symptoms associated with stress.
I dont have headaches or pain behind my eyes, my hands aren't sweaty, I sleep at night and I feel incredibly calm and relaxed. Kind of like an "i dont give a shit" attitude.
Is it normal for meds to work that fast?
I got my blood taken - which I HATE to do. They tested my thyroid and that came back normal.
The dr put me on Celexa which is an antidepressent. I'm also sick so he put me on Allegra.
I didn't think that the Celexa was supposed to work right away because I was told it could take 2 - 3 weeks and then I still probably wouldn't feel a difference.
I already feel a difference.
I maybe don't so much mentally, but I must have had a lot of physical symptoms associated with stress.
I dont have headaches or pain behind my eyes, my hands aren't sweaty, I sleep at night and I feel incredibly calm and relaxed. Kind of like an "i dont give a shit" attitude.
Is it normal for meds to work that fast?
Monday, May 18, 2009
As I look back
on being 27, I realize that nothing has changed. I don't feel older! yay!
I turned 28 on Saturday.
I hope to make this year a great year... 5 changes I plan to make this year
1. Work out and lose weight (of course, that is always a change I plan)
2. Spend more time going out and being young while I can
3. Stop taking myself so seriously - spend that extra 50 bucks on that dress I want
4. Read more books
5. Start cooking again
AND.. I'm IN my new townhouse!!! It's definitely in the ghetto, but it is a beautiful ghetto. I love it and I love being home!
I turned 28 on Saturday.
I hope to make this year a great year... 5 changes I plan to make this year
1. Work out and lose weight (of course, that is always a change I plan)
2. Spend more time going out and being young while I can
3. Stop taking myself so seriously - spend that extra 50 bucks on that dress I want
4. Read more books
5. Start cooking again
AND.. I'm IN my new townhouse!!! It's definitely in the ghetto, but it is a beautiful ghetto. I love it and I love being home!
Friday, May 8, 2009
An Ongoing Issue of Mine
Can Married and Single People Be Friends?
The one thing I noticed about being single and over thirty is that not only has my love life reached a slump, my social life overall appears to be in need of an overhaul. It seems that as every week goes by I'm growing further apart from my friends. Is it because I've become completely socially incompetent? At times--I do wonder. However, lately I'm beginning to wonder more if it's just because every one I know is married.
No one ever wants to be the last single friend. By the time you're thirty it gives you nightmarish visions of being invited over to dinner parties to be fixed up with the "divorced guy from work." My friends' "married phase" began when I was in my late twenties. It recently concluded with an engagement just after Christmas. I never wanted to believe that this should change my friendship with anyone. I do have to admit that it was difficult to find myself heading down the cliché road of "always a bridesmaid, never a bride."
When I started to complain about their changing lives I'll never forget what one person said to me as comfort.
"You think that's bad…wait until they get to the baby phase."
Well, several years later--the baby phase has arrived! It doesn't bother me that they can't go out anymore. Frankly, what would we do anyway? I'm really tired of the bar scene and I get to see enough movies when I go on dates. I'm actually pretty content going over to their homes and playing with their children. I only have one niece in my family and the opportunity to be "Auntie Barbara" to my friend's children is somewhat thrilling. For the last few years like a trooper I've heard about mucus plugs, breast feeding and developmental disorders. These are all subjects that I can't identify with --AT ALL--but I immerse myself with tremendous interest in all these conversations.
It all seemed nice in theory. Even though our lives were different, our friendship didn't have to change. However, as more and more time went by I realized that something was missing with all the "married people" in my life. Sure, I could live in their world and talk about things that were now of interest to them. Yet, somehow they couldn't identify with my world anymore. You would think in theory that someone happily married would want their single friend to find true love too. Do they even ask? If it isn't something that would appear in a current issue of "Today's Baby" or merit a trip to Home Depot, they apparently weren't interested at all.
Now does this make any sense? I've never been married…never had children…yet I find a way to take an interest and mix in their world. They on the other hand used to be single. You would think it would be easier for them to keep up with me! I'm beginning to believe that once you find your perfect mate, you refuse to remember the single part of your life.
To make matters worse, all of my married friends seem to predetermine that I can't be happy spending time with them. Even the ones who don't have children like to apologize for "being too boring." I don't really understand what they think I'm looking for at this point in my life. Somehow, watching a DVD in their living room isn't good enough for me! Don't they understand that I'm just happy being with my friends? At the same time it makes me feel as though they aren't happy spending time with me.
When you're single and the weekend arrives, your natural inclination is to want to spend time with your friends. However, if all your friends are married it seems that you're always going to be the one doing the inviting. I guess I can't blame my married friends for being this way. When your home comes with a built-in companion you don't exactly sit around on a Saturday night saying, "Hey honey, why don't we invite Barbara over."
This is why I've been forced into the position of inviting myself over. When it looks like a solid weekend of sitting home alone, I spin the married friend wheel and decide who I'm going to go visit. This can turn into a really interesting adventure since many of my friends live out of state.
I truly do want to see my friends. They've always been a priority in my life. I'd much rather spend time with them then even go on dates. However dating lately has become a necessary substitute for a lack of friend time.
It's difficult inviting yourself over to someone's house. They all say, "You know you have an open invitation to come over" but it would still be nicer to be asked. Especially when nine out of the ten times that I do ask they say, "well we're not doing much--if that's ok with you." Gee, could the invitation be any warmer or fuzzier?
There's no grand conclusion to the problem of having too many married friends. On the upside it has forced me to be more comfortable spending time alone. I've also gained the confidence to do more things on my own like going to a movie (matinées only!) or sitting at a bar to have a drink. If there was a site for making single friends I would most certainly join in a heartbeat! However, the older you get--the harder it is to find single friends. I make friends easily but all my new ones are also married!
The one thing I noticed about being single and over thirty is that not only has my love life reached a slump, my social life overall appears to be in need of an overhaul. It seems that as every week goes by I'm growing further apart from my friends. Is it because I've become completely socially incompetent? At times--I do wonder. However, lately I'm beginning to wonder more if it's just because every one I know is married.
No one ever wants to be the last single friend. By the time you're thirty it gives you nightmarish visions of being invited over to dinner parties to be fixed up with the "divorced guy from work." My friends' "married phase" began when I was in my late twenties. It recently concluded with an engagement just after Christmas. I never wanted to believe that this should change my friendship with anyone. I do have to admit that it was difficult to find myself heading down the cliché road of "always a bridesmaid, never a bride."
When I started to complain about their changing lives I'll never forget what one person said to me as comfort.
"You think that's bad…wait until they get to the baby phase."
Well, several years later--the baby phase has arrived! It doesn't bother me that they can't go out anymore. Frankly, what would we do anyway? I'm really tired of the bar scene and I get to see enough movies when I go on dates. I'm actually pretty content going over to their homes and playing with their children. I only have one niece in my family and the opportunity to be "Auntie Barbara" to my friend's children is somewhat thrilling. For the last few years like a trooper I've heard about mucus plugs, breast feeding and developmental disorders. These are all subjects that I can't identify with --AT ALL--but I immerse myself with tremendous interest in all these conversations.
It all seemed nice in theory. Even though our lives were different, our friendship didn't have to change. However, as more and more time went by I realized that something was missing with all the "married people" in my life. Sure, I could live in their world and talk about things that were now of interest to them. Yet, somehow they couldn't identify with my world anymore. You would think in theory that someone happily married would want their single friend to find true love too. Do they even ask? If it isn't something that would appear in a current issue of "Today's Baby" or merit a trip to Home Depot, they apparently weren't interested at all.
Now does this make any sense? I've never been married…never had children…yet I find a way to take an interest and mix in their world. They on the other hand used to be single. You would think it would be easier for them to keep up with me! I'm beginning to believe that once you find your perfect mate, you refuse to remember the single part of your life.
To make matters worse, all of my married friends seem to predetermine that I can't be happy spending time with them. Even the ones who don't have children like to apologize for "being too boring." I don't really understand what they think I'm looking for at this point in my life. Somehow, watching a DVD in their living room isn't good enough for me! Don't they understand that I'm just happy being with my friends? At the same time it makes me feel as though they aren't happy spending time with me.
When you're single and the weekend arrives, your natural inclination is to want to spend time with your friends. However, if all your friends are married it seems that you're always going to be the one doing the inviting. I guess I can't blame my married friends for being this way. When your home comes with a built-in companion you don't exactly sit around on a Saturday night saying, "Hey honey, why don't we invite Barbara over."
This is why I've been forced into the position of inviting myself over. When it looks like a solid weekend of sitting home alone, I spin the married friend wheel and decide who I'm going to go visit. This can turn into a really interesting adventure since many of my friends live out of state.
I truly do want to see my friends. They've always been a priority in my life. I'd much rather spend time with them then even go on dates. However dating lately has become a necessary substitute for a lack of friend time.
It's difficult inviting yourself over to someone's house. They all say, "You know you have an open invitation to come over" but it would still be nicer to be asked. Especially when nine out of the ten times that I do ask they say, "well we're not doing much--if that's ok with you." Gee, could the invitation be any warmer or fuzzier?
There's no grand conclusion to the problem of having too many married friends. On the upside it has forced me to be more comfortable spending time alone. I've also gained the confidence to do more things on my own like going to a movie (matinées only!) or sitting at a bar to have a drink. If there was a site for making single friends I would most certainly join in a heartbeat! However, the older you get--the harder it is to find single friends. I make friends easily but all my new ones are also married!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Maternity dress for a non-preggo?
check out that website and you'll see why i'm asking this question.
Is it completely wrong to wear a maternity dress if you aren't pregnant?
There is a girl at my work who is about 5 months pregnant. I absolutely love her dresses!
I mean, if I cut the tag out, who would know it's a maternity dress, right?
Is that wrong?
check out that website and you'll see why i'm asking this question.
Is it completely wrong to wear a maternity dress if you aren't pregnant?
There is a girl at my work who is about 5 months pregnant. I absolutely love her dresses!
I mean, if I cut the tag out, who would know it's a maternity dress, right?
Is that wrong?
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
We are Moving!
This weekend. Short notice, definitely! We were offered the option of 2 townhouses - 1 is available immediately and another is not available until July.
We took the one that is available now.
2 full master bedrooms (so my sister can't bitch about her room, her closet OR her bathroom). A huge living room and a bigger kitchen than I have now. A great patio section for a grill (that I couldn't have at the apartment) and a nice community backyard for Charles walks! I'm so excited.
Now, to actually get moved. The moving situation isn't really going so well for me. I've already felt a little disappointed by the amount of help offered. Which hey, I guess I can't ask my friends to do something last minute.. but this is what I was offered and I have to play with what I was dealt.
I'm not moving next weekend because it is my birthday and I have my bff from WV coming to visit me. She is taking a plane (and yes, she is in WV).. the plane trip takes 4 hours and she will be coming in Thursday (14th) night. I am not spending that weekend moving, so I'm just going to do it myself. I'm renting a truck and saying "hasta la vista" to the old and in with the new.
I hate my apartment. It reminds me of every dark depressed moment I had. The past 2 years were probably the hardest years of my life. I can't wait to shake it loose and move on.
I can't help to say though, I feel completely disappointed that I'll be doing it alone.
We took the one that is available now.
2 full master bedrooms (so my sister can't bitch about her room, her closet OR her bathroom). A huge living room and a bigger kitchen than I have now. A great patio section for a grill (that I couldn't have at the apartment) and a nice community backyard for Charles walks! I'm so excited.
Now, to actually get moved. The moving situation isn't really going so well for me. I've already felt a little disappointed by the amount of help offered. Which hey, I guess I can't ask my friends to do something last minute.. but this is what I was offered and I have to play with what I was dealt.
I'm not moving next weekend because it is my birthday and I have my bff from WV coming to visit me. She is taking a plane (and yes, she is in WV).. the plane trip takes 4 hours and she will be coming in Thursday (14th) night. I am not spending that weekend moving, so I'm just going to do it myself. I'm renting a truck and saying "hasta la vista" to the old and in with the new.
I hate my apartment. It reminds me of every dark depressed moment I had. The past 2 years were probably the hardest years of my life. I can't wait to shake it loose and move on.
I can't help to say though, I feel completely disappointed that I'll be doing it alone.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Creepy Cat
Last night I took Charlie out for his walk to poo.
Upon us walks a cute little cat. Charlie gets hyper, cat gets closer. Charlie and I start to casually walk away. Cat comes at us even faster. Charlie and I start to jog.. as I'm shewing the cat away with the end of Charlie's leash. Cat starts jogging as well (at us). Charlie and I start running and cat starts running.
I finally picked up Charlie and got the hell out of dodge.
Why would a cute cat do that? I think he was out for Charlie's blood!
It's so hilarious though.. I wish I could have seen us. Charlie was really scared!
Upon us walks a cute little cat. Charlie gets hyper, cat gets closer. Charlie and I start to casually walk away. Cat comes at us even faster. Charlie and I start to jog.. as I'm shewing the cat away with the end of Charlie's leash. Cat starts jogging as well (at us). Charlie and I start running and cat starts running.
I finally picked up Charlie and got the hell out of dodge.
Why would a cute cat do that? I think he was out for Charlie's blood!
It's so hilarious though.. I wish I could have seen us. Charlie was really scared!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Microwave Oven
Last night my sister decided to cook. We had one of those "express" meals that cook in 16 minutes.
I got home and my sister said, "this damn thing takes 65 minutes, not 16"
I took the box, read the directions and said, "no, it says here if you put it in the microwave oven, it cooks in 16 minutes"
My sister said, "but we don't have one of those"
She will soon be graduating from Mary Washington! I guess they don't teach common sense.
I got home and my sister said, "this damn thing takes 65 minutes, not 16"
I took the box, read the directions and said, "no, it says here if you put it in the microwave oven, it cooks in 16 minutes"
My sister said, "but we don't have one of those"
She will soon be graduating from Mary Washington! I guess they don't teach common sense.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I'm so frustrated
Seriously, I'm so frustrated. Due to procrastination (and my sister not getting her fucking shit together) "excuse my language".. I'm left to find a place to live last minute.
My sister is driving me fucking nuts! She thinks she has to live in some sort of pent house.. or some GIGANTIC house downtown, not understanding the price of dollar bills these days.
I make good money and I'm willing to spend more, but not a lot more on the cost of living. Right now, our apartment is 1050 dollars a month. It is small and cramped and has the shittiest carpet in the world.
Originally, I was going to buy a house. Well, that wild hair has been plucked because all of the houses are shitty. I don't mean a little shitty, I mean the house will have to be gutted and redone shitty. The 1 townhouse I found in average condition already had an offer that had been accepted.
So, I told my sister.. time to look around and find a place to rent. Well, she thinks she doesn't have time (although, she has class and works 2 nights a week). I work in DC and I'm gone all day long. I'm gone the entire time a normal office building is closed. She has no idea what NO time means.
You know what I'd like to do, I'd like to take the money I have to buy a house and go on a fucking cruise. I want to take an entire week and leave this hell hole.. just get me somewhere where it is warm and beachy. Please get me away from this smogged up city! Where no one smiles, everyones in a hurry and I have short legs. Please get me away from ringing telephones, constant emails from annoying mother fuckers who want me to do their work (which i do, because thats just how I am).
I figure if we stay in the apartment 1 more year (or possibly stay in the apartment complex and just move to a larger apartment), that we can take that money I have and spend it on a luxurious vacation... because you know what, soon I'll be married and having kids and I won't have this luxury anymore.. the ability to go on a week long cruise where i can just lay in the sun and soak up the peace and quiet.
So, right now.. I've given my sister an ultimatum. I told her she had a week 1/2 to find us a place to live or we're staying in the apartment. She hates the apartment (because she got a fucking queen sized bed with oversized furniture and she is 23 and doesnt realize she is only 23)..
so then, she decides she wants to live downtown. Doesn't she realize that the places downtown are EVEN SMALLER than the place we are in?
What do I do? I am about to give up and go drink and become homeless and live under a bridge with my dog.. and the worries of the day are actual worries.. where are you going to sleep and how are you going to eat!
I am dying to get out. What can I do?
My sister is driving me fucking nuts! She thinks she has to live in some sort of pent house.. or some GIGANTIC house downtown, not understanding the price of dollar bills these days.
I make good money and I'm willing to spend more, but not a lot more on the cost of living. Right now, our apartment is 1050 dollars a month. It is small and cramped and has the shittiest carpet in the world.
Originally, I was going to buy a house. Well, that wild hair has been plucked because all of the houses are shitty. I don't mean a little shitty, I mean the house will have to be gutted and redone shitty. The 1 townhouse I found in average condition already had an offer that had been accepted.
So, I told my sister.. time to look around and find a place to rent. Well, she thinks she doesn't have time (although, she has class and works 2 nights a week). I work in DC and I'm gone all day long. I'm gone the entire time a normal office building is closed. She has no idea what NO time means.
You know what I'd like to do, I'd like to take the money I have to buy a house and go on a fucking cruise. I want to take an entire week and leave this hell hole.. just get me somewhere where it is warm and beachy. Please get me away from this smogged up city! Where no one smiles, everyones in a hurry and I have short legs. Please get me away from ringing telephones, constant emails from annoying mother fuckers who want me to do their work (which i do, because thats just how I am).
I figure if we stay in the apartment 1 more year (or possibly stay in the apartment complex and just move to a larger apartment), that we can take that money I have and spend it on a luxurious vacation... because you know what, soon I'll be married and having kids and I won't have this luxury anymore.. the ability to go on a week long cruise where i can just lay in the sun and soak up the peace and quiet.
So, right now.. I've given my sister an ultimatum. I told her she had a week 1/2 to find us a place to live or we're staying in the apartment. She hates the apartment (because she got a fucking queen sized bed with oversized furniture and she is 23 and doesnt realize she is only 23)..
so then, she decides she wants to live downtown. Doesn't she realize that the places downtown are EVEN SMALLER than the place we are in?
What do I do? I am about to give up and go drink and become homeless and live under a bridge with my dog.. and the worries of the day are actual worries.. where are you going to sleep and how are you going to eat!
I am dying to get out. What can I do?
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Tid Bits
There is not going to be a baby. Dave and I talked.. he's scared of marriage and I'm scared of babies, so we are chillaxing on all that for a while.
But, I know what I do want to talk about. It's about 5:11 pm and I finally have some time to relax. I leave work at 6.
I've been working at the Pentagon for about 7 months. Just today, as I was walking the hallways, I realized that I am now "senior" in the building. I know the ins and outs and do's and DO NOT's of the building.
10 things I notice about the Pentagon...
1. Normally you base lunch on location, not on taste. Mcdonalds just happens to be the closests to my office. If I am in a hurry, that is the only place I can get to within 5 minutes.
2. Don't go to work with diarrhea. Luckily, I haven't learned this from experience. The bathrooms are just way too far away.
3. Also, every woman's bathroom has a nursing station. (it's an entire different room, located within the bathroom. I'm so tempted to go in there, but it would be the time someone has the pumps going.
4. I can look at the women in the Pentagon and tell who is new and who is seasoned, just based on their shoes. High heels for the newbies and flats for the seniors.
5. Being a woman in the Pentagon is like being back in the 50's. Every officer / military personnel that passes gives you the "ma'am" and a smile and hand gesture as you walk by.
6. Number 5 normally happens when your wearing a skirt. "shocker, right"
7. There is constantly a cock fight going on. By cock I mean, Military fight going on. The Navy is better than the Airforce because the Airforce just flies over and doesn't land. You know, those kind of things. Luckily, I was never in the military. I just fight to keep my civlianship (is that a word? if not, I made it up myself).
8. These people work from 7 in the morning to 11 at night, and yet somehow still have kids? I haven't figured that out yet!
9. Everyone runs everywhere. No matter what, there is a bus, metro, train, plane, escalator or something to catch. You see more running than you do walking. Myself included, I have ran to the metro several times. You know better than to miss that last train.
10. DC sucks
But, I know what I do want to talk about. It's about 5:11 pm and I finally have some time to relax. I leave work at 6.
I've been working at the Pentagon for about 7 months. Just today, as I was walking the hallways, I realized that I am now "senior" in the building. I know the ins and outs and do's and DO NOT's of the building.
10 things I notice about the Pentagon...
1. Normally you base lunch on location, not on taste. Mcdonalds just happens to be the closests to my office. If I am in a hurry, that is the only place I can get to within 5 minutes.
2. Don't go to work with diarrhea. Luckily, I haven't learned this from experience. The bathrooms are just way too far away.
3. Also, every woman's bathroom has a nursing station. (it's an entire different room, located within the bathroom. I'm so tempted to go in there, but it would be the time someone has the pumps going.
4. I can look at the women in the Pentagon and tell who is new and who is seasoned, just based on their shoes. High heels for the newbies and flats for the seniors.
5. Being a woman in the Pentagon is like being back in the 50's. Every officer / military personnel that passes gives you the "ma'am" and a smile and hand gesture as you walk by.
6. Number 5 normally happens when your wearing a skirt. "shocker, right"
7. There is constantly a cock fight going on. By cock I mean, Military fight going on. The Navy is better than the Airforce because the Airforce just flies over and doesn't land. You know, those kind of things. Luckily, I was never in the military. I just fight to keep my civlianship (is that a word? if not, I made it up myself).
8. These people work from 7 in the morning to 11 at night, and yet somehow still have kids? I haven't figured that out yet!
9. Everyone runs everywhere. No matter what, there is a bus, metro, train, plane, escalator or something to catch. You see more running than you do walking. Myself included, I have ran to the metro several times. You know better than to miss that last train.
10. DC sucks
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I am so confused
I really hope my boyfriend doesn't read my blog. If he does, I'm sorry.. but I just have to get this off my chest.
So, I confronted him today about the baby situation. How, even though I want a baby, I don't think it is a good idea. I would like to spend more time getting to know him. I mean, literally I didn't know he wanted a baby, which means i know nothing about him. He and I haven't spent more than 2 days at a time together. If we were "individually" thinking about this, sure a child would be cool. However, as a "couple", I don't think it is a great idea. He and I just don't know enough about each other, we've never lived together and technically haven't lived in the same city much. I told him how I wanted to get to know each other better and how I wanted to get engaged, get married and plan a family.
You know what he said to me, That love, engagement, marriage.. it's all fairytale.
Well, you know what.. Thats my fucking fairytale
So, I confronted him today about the baby situation. How, even though I want a baby, I don't think it is a good idea. I would like to spend more time getting to know him. I mean, literally I didn't know he wanted a baby, which means i know nothing about him. He and I haven't spent more than 2 days at a time together. If we were "individually" thinking about this, sure a child would be cool. However, as a "couple", I don't think it is a great idea. He and I just don't know enough about each other, we've never lived together and technically haven't lived in the same city much. I told him how I wanted to get to know each other better and how I wanted to get engaged, get married and plan a family.
You know what he said to me, That love, engagement, marriage.. it's all fairytale.
Well, you know what.. Thats my fucking fairytale
Monday, April 20, 2009
Alright so..........
I still haven't decided what I want to do.. but I have to get my point in view.
Just because a man offers you a ring, doesn't mean he offers you his love and devotion. It doesn't mean that it is going to work out. I think telling someone you want to have children with them is a HUGE step. It's almost the same as saying, let's get married. In reality "most" people get married in order to start a family. Marriage is religious based and I'm not religious. I mean, really the only reason I'd want to get married is so that I could have a cool wedding and so the fucker couldn't walk away empty handed from his responsibility. BUT, having a child would be his responsibility too. It's not as if he could just decide he didn't want to be a dad anymore. I'd take his money!
I just know that I want to be a mom. I'll be 28 in less than 30 days and I'm starting to feel like I'm running out of time. And I'm sorry MOM's.. theres no commenting on that because you don't know how it feels.
Cindy.. you either. just because I said so. LOL
I just don't understand how a marriage can immediately make you ready for children? So, if Dave and I went to the JOP and signed a piece of paper.. I'd be parent ready?
Just because a man offers you a ring, doesn't mean he offers you his love and devotion. It doesn't mean that it is going to work out. I think telling someone you want to have children with them is a HUGE step. It's almost the same as saying, let's get married. In reality "most" people get married in order to start a family. Marriage is religious based and I'm not religious. I mean, really the only reason I'd want to get married is so that I could have a cool wedding and so the fucker couldn't walk away empty handed from his responsibility. BUT, having a child would be his responsibility too. It's not as if he could just decide he didn't want to be a dad anymore. I'd take his money!
I just know that I want to be a mom. I'll be 28 in less than 30 days and I'm starting to feel like I'm running out of time. And I'm sorry MOM's.. theres no commenting on that because you don't know how it feels.
Cindy.. you either. just because I said so. LOL
I just don't understand how a marriage can immediately make you ready for children? So, if Dave and I went to the JOP and signed a piece of paper.. I'd be parent ready?
Friday, April 17, 2009
Would you?
Your almost 28, you want a family and your boyfriend confesses he wants you to have his baby. Would you do it?
Even if you live in different cities?
Even if you live in different cities?
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Best Friends
I'm thankful I have all of you :) I just had a bad day yesterday.. a real bad day. I've had a ton on my mind, a new job position at work with A LOT of responsibilities and then I have moving and my boyfriend and just too many things running through my mind.
I relaxed last night and I thought about a lot of things. I've decided I'm going with the flow. I'm going to let life take me where it takes me. Again, sounds so weak.. but I'm tired of being responsibile. Of course, I'm going to pay my bills and I'm going to be an adult still.. but I'm not going to worry about all the small details of my life. I'm tired of worrying.
Also, I'm going to make an attempt to see a Dr. soon and try to get on some anxiety meds.
I relaxed last night and I thought about a lot of things. I've decided I'm going with the flow. I'm going to let life take me where it takes me. Again, sounds so weak.. but I'm tired of being responsibile. Of course, I'm going to pay my bills and I'm going to be an adult still.. but I'm not going to worry about all the small details of my life. I'm tired of worrying.
Also, I'm going to make an attempt to see a Dr. soon and try to get on some anxiety meds.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
What's the big deal if I did move? It would not change my relationship with any of my friends the slightest. I do not see any friend during the week anyhow. I see everyone I know every other weekend.
If I wanted to give it all up and go chase love.. (God that is gay) .. why should i not? Is it practical.. absolutely not.
BUT, what if this was my 1 shot at having a husband and a family? I want kids. sure, I play the role of the independent, working girl. I don't want that for the rest of my life. I want someone to share my life with.. a partner.
Im not moving to lynchburg next week. Dave and I haven't even truthfully talked about it.. but within the year.. this decision may come up and i just don't want to be stuck somewhere.
As for buying a house.. I am not ready to face it.. emotionally, financially or physically. I don't know if I want to be permanent somewhere.
I'm having a melt down because I'm a psychotic mess. I'm going to call a Dr. and tell him to prescribe me some pills to make me rational and unemotional.
I almost cried at work. I wanted to cry last night. I will probably cry tonight.
I almost feel dumb even talking about it
If I wanted to give it all up and go chase love.. (God that is gay) .. why should i not? Is it practical.. absolutely not.
BUT, what if this was my 1 shot at having a husband and a family? I want kids. sure, I play the role of the independent, working girl. I don't want that for the rest of my life. I want someone to share my life with.. a partner.
Im not moving to lynchburg next week. Dave and I haven't even truthfully talked about it.. but within the year.. this decision may come up and i just don't want to be stuck somewhere.
As for buying a house.. I am not ready to face it.. emotionally, financially or physically. I don't know if I want to be permanent somewhere.
I'm having a melt down because I'm a psychotic mess. I'm going to call a Dr. and tell him to prescribe me some pills to make me rational and unemotional.
I almost cried at work. I wanted to cry last night. I will probably cry tonight.
I almost feel dumb even talking about it
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I'm not, I'm just not
buying a house. I was fairytaling my way around. Is fairytaling a word and if it is, did I spell it right?
Anyhow, last night i went to put an offer on a townhouse. Come to find out, at 9:30 when I finally got home... that a previous offer had already been accepted. (no one could have told me that before I made the trip to Montclair AFTER a long ass day of work to go sign 10 pieces of paper, write a check and sit and gossip with an old man that never shuts up). Seriously, I'm not disappointed that the townhouse isn't available. I'm pissed I wasted my entire evening.
I took it as a sign. I've looked high and low and the only thing in my price range are foreclosures. They are all nasty, disgusting, filthy, feet prints on the wall, hanging off a cliff pieces of shit. Unless I have 5,000 dollars.. I'm going ot have to live in a shit hole. Dreams only are reality when the reality involves a husband and a wife, or a single person who is good with money or has filthy rich parents. I'm neither. I suck with money, I'm tired and i just want to go shopping and be immature.
I have no interest in new carpet, new paint, a beautiful yard for me to mow. I'm burnt out and I'm tired of sitting with a real estate agent, I'm tired of worrying about money. Shit, I'm tired of being an adult.
I've been more stressed the past 2 weeks than I think I've ever been in my life. I got a new position at my job, well.. more responsibilities without extra pay. WTF.
Also, here is my other area of concern. Should I be concerned, I don't know. Dave and I have been dating for almost a year 1/2. I love him.. I would marry him if he asked me today. We've been keeping up with our Long Distance relationship for 6 months. He refuses to move back to Fredericksburg. He loves his career and he is really starting to like Lynchburg. That area is a different pace. Slower, calmer and it is sure as hell not DC. He and I have been "sort of" discussing stuff. Like, what will happen to our relationship and what not. i told him if he got me a ring and wanted to seriously get married, I would move to Lynchburg. I'm not that desperately in love with my career. i'd give it up for love and a family at the drop of a dime. Granted, I feel as if I'm setting myself up for failure. Maybe opening up too much because I'm really worried about being dumped. (it happened once, it can happen again right).. but I have to be open to this. I don't know what he wants because he's not a man of words. He says.. "Lynchburg has houses for 100,000". He is secretly nudging me.
I'm so confused. For now.. I'm going to find a house to rent and go buy me some new clothes. That's what I'm going to do.
Anyhow, last night i went to put an offer on a townhouse. Come to find out, at 9:30 when I finally got home... that a previous offer had already been accepted. (no one could have told me that before I made the trip to Montclair AFTER a long ass day of work to go sign 10 pieces of paper, write a check and sit and gossip with an old man that never shuts up). Seriously, I'm not disappointed that the townhouse isn't available. I'm pissed I wasted my entire evening.
I took it as a sign. I've looked high and low and the only thing in my price range are foreclosures. They are all nasty, disgusting, filthy, feet prints on the wall, hanging off a cliff pieces of shit. Unless I have 5,000 dollars.. I'm going ot have to live in a shit hole. Dreams only are reality when the reality involves a husband and a wife, or a single person who is good with money or has filthy rich parents. I'm neither. I suck with money, I'm tired and i just want to go shopping and be immature.
I have no interest in new carpet, new paint, a beautiful yard for me to mow. I'm burnt out and I'm tired of sitting with a real estate agent, I'm tired of worrying about money. Shit, I'm tired of being an adult.
I've been more stressed the past 2 weeks than I think I've ever been in my life. I got a new position at my job, well.. more responsibilities without extra pay. WTF.
Also, here is my other area of concern. Should I be concerned, I don't know. Dave and I have been dating for almost a year 1/2. I love him.. I would marry him if he asked me today. We've been keeping up with our Long Distance relationship for 6 months. He refuses to move back to Fredericksburg. He loves his career and he is really starting to like Lynchburg. That area is a different pace. Slower, calmer and it is sure as hell not DC. He and I have been "sort of" discussing stuff. Like, what will happen to our relationship and what not. i told him if he got me a ring and wanted to seriously get married, I would move to Lynchburg. I'm not that desperately in love with my career. i'd give it up for love and a family at the drop of a dime. Granted, I feel as if I'm setting myself up for failure. Maybe opening up too much because I'm really worried about being dumped. (it happened once, it can happen again right).. but I have to be open to this. I don't know what he wants because he's not a man of words. He says.. "Lynchburg has houses for 100,000". He is secretly nudging me.
I'm so confused. For now.. I'm going to find a house to rent and go buy me some new clothes. That's what I'm going to do.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Cliff Hanger
Is what I'm going to nickname the house I saw on Saturday. The house was amazing. Would have been perfect size, nice bathrooms, everything... HOWEVER.. This house was literally on the side of a mountain. The house also had no deck. I opened up the kitchen door and feared for my life. The back and side of the house was literally, hanging on the mountain side. I'd have to be hooked up to bungee cords in order to mow the grass.
HOWEVER, I found a beautiful 4 bedroom 3 1/2 bath townhouse in Heather Hills that I will be putting an offer on tonight. The townhouse already has an offer on it, but I believe my offer of 145,000 will be higher and hopefully I will out bid them and get the townhouse.
HOWEVER, I found a beautiful 4 bedroom 3 1/2 bath townhouse in Heather Hills that I will be putting an offer on tonight. The townhouse already has an offer on it, but I believe my offer of 145,000 will be higher and hopefully I will out bid them and get the townhouse.
Friday, April 10, 2009
I'm so excited
I think I might be getting my hopes up.
I found a house that is perfect. (from the outside and the virtual tour on
It's small - 1080 sq ft. in Hickory Ridge (right by Leeland train station, by my moms house and about 3 miles from the Stafford Airport 95 entrance)
It has Cathedral ceilings in the kitchen/dining room. 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. A basement that is unfinishd (but overtime can be finished by me myself and my handyman).
If I've estimated my money amounts correctly, I should spend about 1500 towards fees and closing costs (if the closing costs are covered, and my loan is a FHA loan and will cover some). About 300 dollars towards an inspection - if the home allows. It is a foreclosure home, so an inspection could be pointless, but I refuse to move in without one.
About 1000 dollars to recarpet what will need recarpeting. If it is a foreclosure home, that will mean the entire home.
About 200-300 dollars to repaint - Which I'm going to Con Tim (Roxanna's husband) into painting. I'll feed him or something. What I really need is a husband, PSHT.. that AIN'T happening.. EVER.
Anyways.. I will then have about 500 dollars leftover. Which, I will save that money because who knows what it will be needed for. Probably getting water and trash service to the house. I already have cable and electric so that should just be moved (which I'm sure it cost some sort of fee to do that) and I dont have a home phone.
So, what do you think?
Oh, also.. how much does it cost to put a fence around your house? (lets say.. .5 acre)? I want a fence for Charlie. It really is the only disappointment of the home
I found a house that is perfect. (from the outside and the virtual tour on
It's small - 1080 sq ft. in Hickory Ridge (right by Leeland train station, by my moms house and about 3 miles from the Stafford Airport 95 entrance)
It has Cathedral ceilings in the kitchen/dining room. 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. A basement that is unfinishd (but overtime can be finished by me myself and my handyman).
If I've estimated my money amounts correctly, I should spend about 1500 towards fees and closing costs (if the closing costs are covered, and my loan is a FHA loan and will cover some). About 300 dollars towards an inspection - if the home allows. It is a foreclosure home, so an inspection could be pointless, but I refuse to move in without one.
About 1000 dollars to recarpet what will need recarpeting. If it is a foreclosure home, that will mean the entire home.
About 200-300 dollars to repaint - Which I'm going to Con Tim (Roxanna's husband) into painting. I'll feed him or something. What I really need is a husband, PSHT.. that AIN'T happening.. EVER.
Anyways.. I will then have about 500 dollars leftover. Which, I will save that money because who knows what it will be needed for. Probably getting water and trash service to the house. I already have cable and electric so that should just be moved (which I'm sure it cost some sort of fee to do that) and I dont have a home phone.
So, what do you think?
Oh, also.. how much does it cost to put a fence around your house? (lets say.. .5 acre)? I want a fence for Charlie. It really is the only disappointment of the home
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Movies Galore

Friday night I watched this with my sister. I almost peed my pants. I watched most of the movie from behind my sisters arm and I was scared to look out any windows. SCARY AS SHIT!!

I cried. A LOT! I will not watch this ever again.

This was a horrible movie. It was slow, boring and didn't make any sense for most of the movie. It has a very disappointing ending I thought.
Also, I have found a house I think I'm going to love. It needs new carpet. Anyone know an average cost of recarpeting a 1400 Sq ft house?
Friday, April 3, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
It's been a while since I've written anything. I've been checking and commenting everyone else's blogs but I haven't really wanted to write in mine.
I'm going to do the list.. just like Roxanna and Erin. I'm a poser, what can I say..
My list will be 6 things I'd like to do before the end of the 2009
1) Move - whether that is buying a house or renting a house
2) Lose 15 lbs.
3) Grow a miniature garden on my balcony or in my new yard
4) Be able to run a mile without stopping
5) Wear more dresses because they are pretty
6) Buy a new bedroom set
Boring, but hey.. its mine
I'm going to do the list.. just like Roxanna and Erin. I'm a poser, what can I say..
My list will be 6 things I'd like to do before the end of the 2009
1) Move - whether that is buying a house or renting a house
2) Lose 15 lbs.
3) Grow a miniature garden on my balcony or in my new yard
4) Be able to run a mile without stopping
5) Wear more dresses because they are pretty
6) Buy a new bedroom set
Boring, but hey.. its mine
Friday, March 20, 2009
I'm gonna talk about it
What is up with conversations between mixed races?
You know how you can look at someone and "stereotype"?.. come on, everyone does it!
Earlier this afternoon, I had a discussion with the other admin that I work with. She herself is black. We are good friends and everything is cool, but as soon as I bring up something regarding another race.. the switch gets flipped. Has society trained minorities to be defensive? I am in no way a racist. I believe that everyone is equal... except for Britney Spears and she is a DB.
So here is how the conversation went. I will call the female we were talking about "L". Oh man, "L" has such an attitude and is rude to everyone. "L"
I said.. I heard she is married to a white man. Ok, yes.. I was being a stereotype but this lady does NOT look like she'd marry a white man. She looks more along the type who'd be married to a Mike Tyson look alike. When I said that, there was absolutely NOTHING racist in my mind. I was actually being racists towards the white guy if you want to get particular.
So, my friend's first response.. "yeah, she is.. what is wrong with that".
Why would she immediately think that there was a problem with it. We can talk about the woman's bad hair, bad makeup, bad attitude.. but gosh let me talk about who she is married to and the whole room gets quiet.
Then, I start feeling guilty for something that I shouldn't feel guilty about. I meant nothing by it. That is like saying.. Oh my God.. her husband is a big asshole. It is the same in my mind.
You know how you can look at someone and "stereotype"?.. come on, everyone does it!
Earlier this afternoon, I had a discussion with the other admin that I work with. She herself is black. We are good friends and everything is cool, but as soon as I bring up something regarding another race.. the switch gets flipped. Has society trained minorities to be defensive? I am in no way a racist. I believe that everyone is equal... except for Britney Spears and she is a DB.
So here is how the conversation went. I will call the female we were talking about "L". Oh man, "L" has such an attitude and is rude to everyone. "L"
I said.. I heard she is married to a white man. Ok, yes.. I was being a stereotype but this lady does NOT look like she'd marry a white man. She looks more along the type who'd be married to a Mike Tyson look alike. When I said that, there was absolutely NOTHING racist in my mind. I was actually being racists towards the white guy if you want to get particular.
So, my friend's first response.. "yeah, she is.. what is wrong with that".
Why would she immediately think that there was a problem with it. We can talk about the woman's bad hair, bad makeup, bad attitude.. but gosh let me talk about who she is married to and the whole room gets quiet.
Then, I start feeling guilty for something that I shouldn't feel guilty about. I meant nothing by it. That is like saying.. Oh my God.. her husband is a big asshole. It is the same in my mind.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Question and Answer
I go to Suntrust tonight and talk with my loan officer. We are doing a "question and answer" sit down so he can explain my loan in detail and answer any questions I might have.
For those homeowners (especially first time homeowners)
I'd like to know what you would have done different with your loan if you could have.
What questions I should ask.
What mistakes you think you made that I could avoid :)
and what positive things you've gotten / done that I could use as guidance.
For those homeowners (especially first time homeowners)
I'd like to know what you would have done different with your loan if you could have.
What questions I should ask.
What mistakes you think you made that I could avoid :)
and what positive things you've gotten / done that I could use as guidance.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I'm going to do it
I'm going to buy a house.
I got my pre-qual letter today and I'm set to start the journey!
Thanks Shannon, Roxanna and Cristine for pushing me to do this :)
I've never felt like shitting my pants so much!!! HA
I got my pre-qual letter today and I'm set to start the journey!
Thanks Shannon, Roxanna and Cristine for pushing me to do this :)
I've never felt like shitting my pants so much!!! HA
Friday, March 6, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
This is the Worst Definition I've ever Seen
so·cial·ist [ sṓshÉ™list ] or So·cial·ist [ sṓshÉ™list ]
noun (plural so·cial·ists) (plural So·cial·ists)
believer in socialism: somebody who believes in or supports socialism or a socialist party
1. advocating socialism: relating to, based on, or advocating socialism
2. relating to socialists: relating to socialists or a socialist party
noun (plural so·cial·ists) (plural So·cial·ists)
believer in socialism: somebody who believes in or supports socialism or a socialist party
1. advocating socialism: relating to, based on, or advocating socialism
2. relating to socialists: relating to socialists or a socialist party
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Taurus - February 26, 2009
You may feel as if someone is poking you in the side today, dear Taurus, urging you to get up and get moving. Don't be surprised if someone seems to be picking on you for no reason. Other people's lack of sympathy and sensitivity might be acute on a day like this. Try not to take it personally. Your hard outer shell may be put to the test in terms of its ability to protect your soft, vulnerable insides.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Mindless I wish I were
days are long and crazy
thoughts are in and out
and I'm constantly thinking.
Drifting away of my past
moving to a present
that's unknown to me.
I pout and cry and yet it does nothing
it seems I'm in a glass box
looking out and everyone around me
just walks around me.
I'm walking down a path
reminds me of my childhood
but the weeds have come and taken over.
I'm jut not me anymore
I don't know where I went
I don't know where I'll be.
days are long and crazy
thoughts are in and out
and I'm constantly thinking.
Drifting away of my past
moving to a present
that's unknown to me.
I pout and cry and yet it does nothing
it seems I'm in a glass box
looking out and everyone around me
just walks around me.
I'm walking down a path
reminds me of my childhood
but the weeds have come and taken over.
I'm jut not me anymore
I don't know where I went
I don't know where I'll be.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Rock Bottom
I hit it this weekend. I've been battling a lot of stress and anxiety and it finally got the best of me.
I've decided to stop taking my birth control. (let's just hope I don't end up pregnant) but, I'm eliminating extra hormones incase they are to blame.
I quit my diet. I'm not going to eat everything in sight but Im not going to worry about my weight right now. I'm still going to exercise, but to feel better. I need to focus on my health and not my weight.
I ordered some self help books online. Will they work, who knows. One of the books is about dealing with stress and anxiety and the other is about battling my moods.
Hopefully, in the next month or two, I will start feeling better.
I am driving myself crazy
I've decided to stop taking my birth control. (let's just hope I don't end up pregnant) but, I'm eliminating extra hormones incase they are to blame.
I quit my diet. I'm not going to eat everything in sight but Im not going to worry about my weight right now. I'm still going to exercise, but to feel better. I need to focus on my health and not my weight.
I ordered some self help books online. Will they work, who knows. One of the books is about dealing with stress and anxiety and the other is about battling my moods.
Hopefully, in the next month or two, I will start feeling better.
I am driving myself crazy
Thursday, February 19, 2009
My sister needs a job!
My sister is looking for a part time, evening shift position. It doesn't have to pay a lot of money. She's in class at Mary Washington during the day and needs some spending money.
Any ideas?
We tried to get her a job at Geico, and they were going to hire her. However, she would have to do 3 months of daytime training. That is not possible for her, due to her college classes.
Someone help, please! She lives with me and I really do not want to pay her bills!!
Any ideas?
We tried to get her a job at Geico, and they were going to hire her. However, she would have to do 3 months of daytime training. That is not possible for her, due to her college classes.
Someone help, please! She lives with me and I really do not want to pay her bills!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Which path to take?
I'm at the Crossroads
Do I...
Rent again for another year, so that I can support the possibility that Dave might propose to me in a year and I might move to Lynchburg.
Or do I...
Focus on my job and myself and buy a house in May, which would be really difficult for me if Dave were to propose to me.
It's like choosing love or money. I've been down the road that offered love and it turned out to be a dead end. BUT, I can't compare my current relationship to my past relationship.
I'm stuck and starting to worry myself into a mess
Do I...
Rent again for another year, so that I can support the possibility that Dave might propose to me in a year and I might move to Lynchburg.
Or do I...
Focus on my job and myself and buy a house in May, which would be really difficult for me if Dave were to propose to me.
It's like choosing love or money. I've been down the road that offered love and it turned out to be a dead end. BUT, I can't compare my current relationship to my past relationship.
I'm stuck and starting to worry myself into a mess
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
I need a new book
I'm not a big reader. I've never been one to get lost in a book or spend hours reading. However, I'm now a metro passenger and I need something to occupy my time.
I really liked the book Cindy let me borrow, "Bet Me" by Jennifer Cruise. I LOVED that book. I've tried the other Jennifer Cruise books though and I don't like them.
Any ideas?
I really liked the book Cindy let me borrow, "Bet Me" by Jennifer Cruise. I LOVED that book. I've tried the other Jennifer Cruise books though and I don't like them.
Any ideas?
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Octuplets for Jolie .. I mean....

So what is up with the Octuplet lady? First, I'd like to say.. damn, she looks great for just having 8 babies. Next, I'd like to mention that it really looks as if she's had some surgery on her lips. Now, before I put my foot in my mouth, are those lips real? Were those lips part of her raid disaster in 1999? Or, did she get some fat put in them? If it is the latter of the 3, where in the hell is this lady coming up with all of this money??
I did a little bit of research on In Vitro and the average cost is around 13,000 dollars just for the procedure. This doesn't include lab tests, drugs and checkups etc. If this lady was a single (unemployed) mother, how in the WORLD did she afford in vitro twice? I know she said that she saved money from her past job because she wanted to have kids, but after her first in vitro.. shouldn't she be out of money?
Why is her mother allowing her to do this? She does live with her mom, right? I have 1 dog and my mom has already told me (even though I don't live with her) that I'm not allowed to get anymore dogs. My Charlie is a handful.. and he is just a dog!! Why wouldn't her mother put her foot down and say, "look here, your not making this mistake again" Who in the hell wants 13 brothers and sisters? How does she expect to give all of these children everything they need? What is she going to do when "holding them" and loving them isn't enough? Has she gotten health insurance for all of these babies? I really think she knows that Oprah, Tyra, Maury, and the government will help her with the costs and feedings of these babies.
I don't know.. I just think she is stupid and she shouldn't have anymore kids.
Oh, and I really want to see her stomach. What does an 8 baby stomach look like? I've google imaged and I can't find one picture.
Monday, February 9, 2009
I'm back, I think...
I think I had the flu. I don't know, but I'm finally feeling better.
I'm back at work and trying to deal with reality.
I'm back at work and trying to deal with reality.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
I'm annoyed
I'm annoyed at a lot of things right now. I think most of it is due to being sick, but still.
I'm going to just list things I wish I could change...
My stupid commute
My hours at work
Hours of operation at Emergency Clinics (why do they close at 7)
My health insurance for only covering 1 Emergency Clinic - in Garrisonville that closes at 7!
The 2 other admins that work with me, because no one will cover my shift
My boss for not allowing someone from another office cover my shift
My boss for just asking me to staple papers together, I believe I'm smarter than that
I brought soup for lunch today and don't want to eat it
Mcdonalds being a skip and a jump away from my office downstairs
My boyfriend being so far away, he is supposed to be comforting me when I'm sick
The fact I can't hang out with my friends because of my stupid hours at work.
I'm too old to ask my mom to take care of me (but I SO want her to)
My period, which seems to never want to go away (even though I take yaz for a shorter one)
Chicken salad sandwiches for having mayonnaise
Mayonnaise for having so much fat but being so yummy
I hate that I want a chicken salad sandwich
I hate the old lady I work with - she stands over me
I hate that the old lady is 70 and I feel guilty for hating her
The metro because I have to stand 25 minutes on my ride home, and I'm not tall enough to hold the stupid bar that helps you maintain stability
Being too short to hold the stupid bar that helps you maintain stability
People who get in your food to see what you are eating. (although, I think I may be bad about it myself)
Bosses who see that you are eating, yet still come bother you with tasks
Shredded lettuce on sandwiches - none of the lettuce stays on it is dumb
People who don't understand personal space
People who ask you for a chip (when your not best friends) and put their hand in your bag, knowing you are sick
Anyhow, for now I think that does it. I'm sure I'll think of more stuff.
Sick = Angry
I'm going to just list things I wish I could change...
My stupid commute
My hours at work
Hours of operation at Emergency Clinics (why do they close at 7)
My health insurance for only covering 1 Emergency Clinic - in Garrisonville that closes at 7!
The 2 other admins that work with me, because no one will cover my shift
My boss for not allowing someone from another office cover my shift
My boss for just asking me to staple papers together, I believe I'm smarter than that
I brought soup for lunch today and don't want to eat it
Mcdonalds being a skip and a jump away from my office downstairs
My boyfriend being so far away, he is supposed to be comforting me when I'm sick
The fact I can't hang out with my friends because of my stupid hours at work.
I'm too old to ask my mom to take care of me (but I SO want her to)
My period, which seems to never want to go away (even though I take yaz for a shorter one)
Chicken salad sandwiches for having mayonnaise
Mayonnaise for having so much fat but being so yummy
I hate that I want a chicken salad sandwich
I hate the old lady I work with - she stands over me
I hate that the old lady is 70 and I feel guilty for hating her
The metro because I have to stand 25 minutes on my ride home, and I'm not tall enough to hold the stupid bar that helps you maintain stability
Being too short to hold the stupid bar that helps you maintain stability
People who get in your food to see what you are eating. (although, I think I may be bad about it myself)
Bosses who see that you are eating, yet still come bother you with tasks
Shredded lettuce on sandwiches - none of the lettuce stays on it is dumb
People who don't understand personal space
People who ask you for a chip (when your not best friends) and put their hand in your bag, knowing you are sick
Anyhow, for now I think that does it. I'm sure I'll think of more stuff.
Sick = Angry
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
What's the point.........
In writing blogs if no one is reading them and leaving comments. I've been writing on my weight loss blog and I haven't had any visitors :(
I might as well go jump off a cliff into a big pad of butter!
I might as well go jump off a cliff into a big pad of butter!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Your a hobag
Cindy called me a hobag and told me to write more on this blog. The only problem is that I never have anything exciting and cool to write about. I don't have kids, I'm not married, I haven't moved, I haven't changed jobs, I go home and really don't do much of anything during the week due to my commute.
But.. I'm going to write something anyways.
Here's a tid bit about me that maybe no one knows..
1. I started weight watchers (which if you read my blog you already know that) .. but what you don't know is that I had 2 pieces of ham and pineapple thin crust pizza from Pizza Hut last night. It rocked and it was only 4 points per slice!
2. I worked out on Sunday and I got on the treadmill (dehydrated from drinking beer the night before) and I did some running and walking and what not. I got off the treadmill and got some tunnel vision and almost passed out. Now I'm scared to work out!
3. I have a 4 day weekend coming up due to the MLK and the Inauguration. Today, I rode past the National Park and saw the longest line of portable toilets I've ever seen in my entire life. Theres going to be a lot of shit going on there (literally)!
4. I love my dog.
5. I hate cold weather and absolutely can not wait for Spring to arrive. I stepped onto my parking lot the other day and luckily I had on flats... I would have eaten pavement.
6. I lost 3 pounds last week. It was the most exciting moment on the scale I've had in years.
7. I'm planning a cruise for me and the man in June.. maybe July. I want to go somewhere warm and beachy.
8. I got a massage from Olivia on Saturday at 9:30 am. I went home and slept until 2. She knocked me out Mike Tyson style. It was amazing!
9. I also went to lynchburg. It rained and it was nasty.. but at least I got to see my boyfriend.
10. I'm getting ready to write on my other blog. The weight loss blog, which I have now made available for everyone to view.
But.. I'm going to write something anyways.
Here's a tid bit about me that maybe no one knows..
1. I started weight watchers (which if you read my blog you already know that) .. but what you don't know is that I had 2 pieces of ham and pineapple thin crust pizza from Pizza Hut last night. It rocked and it was only 4 points per slice!
2. I worked out on Sunday and I got on the treadmill (dehydrated from drinking beer the night before) and I did some running and walking and what not. I got off the treadmill and got some tunnel vision and almost passed out. Now I'm scared to work out!
3. I have a 4 day weekend coming up due to the MLK and the Inauguration. Today, I rode past the National Park and saw the longest line of portable toilets I've ever seen in my entire life. Theres going to be a lot of shit going on there (literally)!
4. I love my dog.
5. I hate cold weather and absolutely can not wait for Spring to arrive. I stepped onto my parking lot the other day and luckily I had on flats... I would have eaten pavement.
6. I lost 3 pounds last week. It was the most exciting moment on the scale I've had in years.
7. I'm planning a cruise for me and the man in June.. maybe July. I want to go somewhere warm and beachy.
8. I got a massage from Olivia on Saturday at 9:30 am. I went home and slept until 2. She knocked me out Mike Tyson style. It was amazing!
9. I also went to lynchburg. It rained and it was nasty.. but at least I got to see my boyfriend.
10. I'm getting ready to write on my other blog. The weight loss blog, which I have now made available for everyone to view.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Happy New Year
Ok, so it is 8 days past the new year but it is never too late.
Things are going about the same for me. Still working in dc and hating the commute. My boyfriend and I are still together and still going with our long distance relationship. My sister stills lives with me. My mom is out of the hospital and back on her feet feeling good. Little Charlie is growing and he's finally house trained!!! (about time) and thats about it.
I started writing on my other blog too. Death by Cheeseburgers.. I started weight watchers online. I started Monday (5th) so today is my 4th day on the program. So far so good. It's really helpful to have something to track my food and to help me eat the right stuff and the right amount. I was in the habit of eating fast food for breakfast, lunch and dinner.. conveinance since I get home late from work. I also started working out. Actually using the gym membership that I signed up for in July.
So.. thats about it. Hope everyone had a good new year.
Things are going about the same for me. Still working in dc and hating the commute. My boyfriend and I are still together and still going with our long distance relationship. My sister stills lives with me. My mom is out of the hospital and back on her feet feeling good. Little Charlie is growing and he's finally house trained!!! (about time) and thats about it.
I started writing on my other blog too. Death by Cheeseburgers.. I started weight watchers online. I started Monday (5th) so today is my 4th day on the program. So far so good. It's really helpful to have something to track my food and to help me eat the right stuff and the right amount. I was in the habit of eating fast food for breakfast, lunch and dinner.. conveinance since I get home late from work. I also started working out. Actually using the gym membership that I signed up for in July.
So.. thats about it. Hope everyone had a good new year.
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